
Warcraft Rumble: Talents Guide | Best Talents for All Leaders, All Troops & All Minis

Those are a lot of choices to consider!

Warcraft Rumble Talents Guide

Going through a new game and learning how the different mechanics work can be daunting. Sometimes, you just need a list of the best things for your units and try the game out. In Warcraft Rumble, you’ll need to learn all sorts of different units and pick the best talents for them. This can change the unit from just small bonuses, to adding new moves they can do.

In this guide, we’ll show you how you can get all the Best Talents for all the units from Leaders to Troops and Minis. Now, let’s see what the best choices in the game are!

Talents Guide | Best Talents for All Leaders, All Troops & All Minis

Talents in Warcraft Rumble are passives or effects that you can choose for a unit be they a hero or just plain troops. These talents can add more to the unit from plain buffs to new mechanics that can drastically change how you play them. Here are the best talents for each unit in the game!

Make sure to go check out our guide on How to build a balanced powerful deck if you haven’t already!

NOTE: Looking for a specific unit? Use your browser’s search option (CTRL + F) to find that unit in the list below!


Heroes are usually what you build your deck around and some of these talent choices can influence that. That’s why you’ll want to know which are the best talents to choose for each one of them!

  • Jaina Proudmoore – Blink: This can increase the survivability of Jaina but can also send her to a dangerous spot. Even so, it’s still one of the best talents for this hero.
    • Flurry slows enemies down which is great but not needed. Clearcasting can work with spell-heavy decks.
  • Tirion Fordring – Divine Shield: Vastly increases tanking ability since it makes Tirion invulnerable to all damage for 5 seconds.
    • By The Light is great if you make Tirion into a support healer like for footmen decks. Consecrate is good against squads but is overall weaker than the other talents.
  • Maiev Shadowsong – Remorseless: This doubles the damage of the hero for 2 seconds after killing an enemy. Great for dealing with groups large or small.
    • Shadowstep is also great for getting really close to ranged attackers to attack. Enveloping Shadows is taken if you don’t want to put a smoke bomb on your deck.
  • Old Murk Eye – Marathon of the Murlocks: With the extended time of March of the Murlocs you can get more bodies into the field when he’s deployed.
    • Electric Eels is great for not letting strong enemies deal as much hits by being stunned. Tip of the Spear can be a bad choice as it limits where you can spawn Tide Hunters.
  • Hogger – Ham Hock: Increases the survivability of Hogger which is great since he’s lacking in armor.
    • Spoiled Meat is great if you need to deal more damage, but it’s rarely needed. Fatal Frenzy doesn’t really work well with most Hogger Decks.
  • Charlga Razorflank – Spirit Passage: With the right deck you can summon a stealth gargoyle which not a lot of people know how to counter.
    • Nature’s Grasp is also a great choice and can be used in a wider variety of situations. Cavernous Mists doesn’t really save you that much gold in the long run.
  • General Drakkisath – Chromatic Scales: A great bonus to your troops and can fit a wide range of situations.
    • Piercing Blows is highly situational as you’ll need to line up on the enemy to maximize damage. Lasting Legacy does not do much since this unit isn’t a high-cycle one.
  • Rend Blackhand – Scale and Steel: A great buff as it makes the unit more tanky overall which is desperately needed.
    • Flaming Soul sounds good on paper as it is a free 6-cost spell, but it needs a group of enemies to be worth it. Legionnaire doesn’t matter as the Drake is already so squishy.
  • Sneed – Mine Is Money, Friend!: Makes the unit a faster miner, the best talent for this unit since it was heavily nerfed.
    • Lead with Greed is another talent that gives you extra gold while Land Grab has been nerfed hard.
  • Grommash Hellscream – Savage Strikes: Deals double damage to enemies with half health, and can easily execute weaker enemies.
    • Mirror Image also increases the overall damage but the mirrors are fragile. Bladestorm sounds good on paper but is overall weaker.
  • Cairne Bloodhoof – Reincarnation: Adds more value to the hero as it basically makes it stay longer in the fight.
    • Plainsrunning is situational and depends on the minis in your deck. Aftershock’s dazed debuff is negligible.
  • Baron Rivendare – Chill Of The Grave: Instead of summoning warriors from structures you summon mages that are stronger.
    • Death Pact can have a deck built around it to maximize it but it sacrifices the push power of skeleton mages. This is the same with Skeletal Frenzy.
  • Bloodmage Thalnos – Bane: Increases the attack speed by a lot when you cast a spell. Great for spell-heavy decks.
    • Dominance is clunky as it’s difficult to play a lot of spells that cost 4 gold. Drain Life sounds good but the amount of HP regained is negligible.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner – Black Arrow: A line attack that pierces enemies and deals elemental damage making it a great buff.
    • Banshee’s Wail can give a bit more survivability to banshees but not that much. Forsaken Fury is difficult to build a deck around.

Troops And Minis

There are a lot of troops and minis out there and each one of them has 3 different talents. You’ll want to know which are the best ones so you know what to unlock and use your currency on!

  • Abomination – Noxious Presence Or Cannonball: Cannonball can swing fights around because of the long stun while Noxious Presence deals a lot of damage.
    • Freshmeat sounds great but a lot of targets the Abomination hits die in one hit and the extra damage isn’t worth it. At least Noxious Presence hits multiple targets.
  • Angry Chickens – Walking Crate: Gives the chicken a higher chance of surviving the enemy.
    • Snackrifice is great if you have a beast-heavy deck. Furious Foul gives fury but with the chicken’s low HP, they usually die before dealing any significant damage.
  • Arcane Blast – Arcane Power: increases damage with heroes like Jaina.
    • Amplification makes it easier to use plus it’s great with the hero Thalnos. The required casting rank of Torrent is difficult to get.
  • Banshee – Will Of The Necropolis: It fully heals the possessed target and is great in any situation.
    • Unholy Frenzy is great if you have enemies around to hit within the time. Soul Eruption’s damage is a bit on the low side and is not recommended.
  • Bat Rider – Flaming Pitch: Slows enemies down and is great for dealing more damage to them before they can get close.
    • Enchanted Vials is not that great since the flaming pool is already big. Fiery Surplus is very situational.
  • Blizzard – Cold Snap: The must-have talent for this spell as it guarantees to do the full damage to enemies by freezing them in place.
    • Icecrown can be great for defense but not as great as Cold Snap. Brittle Ice needs physical damage troops around to be effective.
  • Chain Lightning – Brilliant Flash: Stuns enemies within 1 second giving you a chance to deal more damage with troops.
    • Reverberation can give you more flexibility when using the spell. Storm’s Reach requires enemies to be distant to get anything from it making it situational.
  • Cheat Death – Vampirism: It lets minis and troops heal when dealing damage which gives them more staying power.
    • Seal Fate can be great if you’re doing a final push but other than that it’s situational. Apocalypse needs a specific deck build to be effective.
  • Core Hounds – Eternal Bond: Resurrecting Core Hounds now has unlimited range meaning you can push multiple lanes.
    • Fiery Rebirth is also great for adding damage as well as Guard Dog but Eternal Bound has more game impact.
  • Dark Iron Miner – Dark Iron Armaments: gives it more survivability by giving it armor.
    • Dwarven Ambition adds more damage but again, staying alive is better. Gold Mine is situational and deals little damage.
  • Darkspear Troll – Big Bad Vodoo: This unit is a bit squishy so regenerating health gives it more survivability.
    • Headhunting is also a great choice if you have a good frontline tank. Serpent Sting is also great for big single targets.
  • Defias Bandits – Pick Lock: adds a lot more gold income if you get a chest. Situational but the massive bonus makes it the best.
    • Last Resort is also great when you want to do some crowd control. Deadly Poison adds more damage and is great if you have a tank to pair this troop with.
  • Drake – Mother Drake: Makes the uni drop whelp eggs along the path which potentially adds more units in the field.
    • Engulfing Flames gives more damage to the unit while Roost is highly situational.
  • Earth Elemental – Obsidian Shard: On death, it turns into two smaller earth elementals making it stay in the field longer.
    • Ready to Rumble can be great for tanking but is highly situational. Shrapnel Blast sounds great but it’s limited to only towers and is again situational.
  • Execute – Bloodthirsty: Gives allies bloodlust for 10 seconds adding a whole new effect to the spell. Effectively making it two spells for the price of one.
    • Killing Spree sounds great but needs a horde unit to be good. Overpower knocks enemies away from the cast location which can be great or send units to bad places. Warcraft Rumble Talents Guide
  • Fire Elemental – Immolation Aura: Deals more damage since it now damages enemies around the unit.
    • Molten Core summons a pool of damaging lava on death but the damage isn’t that great. Fan The Flames is very situational as it requires elemental damage from the enemy.
  • Firehammer – Blazing Speed: Increases fury build which means increasing damage.
    • Heightened Rage can give a lot of levels but is too situational. Moultin’ Metal is also highly situational but is good for certain missions.
  • Flamewaker – Engulf: Damaging enemies now burns them so the unit deals more damage.
    • Heat Stroke dazes enemies but it’s one of the weaker debuffs in the game. Backdraft increases the range of flame wave which isn’t really needed.
  • Footmen – Shield Bash: Stuns the enemy periodically making it great for any enemy it faces. It works in a wide range of situations.
    • Fortification is great if you have a healing deck around the footmen. Last Stand is great but having it only on one footman doesn’t make it worthwhile.
  • Frostwolf Shaman – Earth Shield: Since this unit is usually played with another unit for it to heal, giving that unit armored is a great boon.
    • Earthwall Totem heals your base or towers but usually, you don’t use minis to heal the base but to push. Lightning Mastery makes it so the attack bounces but the damage isn’t that great to begin with.
  • Gargoyle – Wing Buffet: The Gargoyle is quite slow so the increased movement speed is a must for this unit.
    • Obsidian Statue is also great if you do a coordinated push with other units. Aerial Superiority reduces damage from flying minis which there aren’t many and is situational.
  • Ghoul – Bone Shield: Cannibalizing will give the ghoul armored for 10 seconds, making this unit even more tanky.
    • Taste For Blood is also great for dealing more damage. Revenous only works after Cannibalizing and is only for 10 seconds.
  • Gnoll Brute – Rabid: It reduces the cost of gold for this unit by 1 making this talent a must-have.
    • Thick Hide is also a good choice as it gives the unit armor. Pillage is highly situational as it makes it deals siege damage which is only great for structures.
  • Goblin Sapper – Rocket Powered Turbo Boots: This makes this unit way faster and is great for taking out towers.
    • Extra BOOM adds damage if you can get the sappers to the towers. Crude Gunpowder is highly situational since you usually use these units to deal with towers not troops.
  • Gryphon Rider – Mighty Throw: Increases the range of the unit’s attack making it outrange some enemies. That means they can deal an extra hit or two before getting damaged.
    • Odyn’s Fury is also great if you want to take down individual strong enemies. Air Drop is also good especially if you’re playing Hogger Decks.
  • Harpies – Infectious Swipes: Gives the attacks poison making it even better for dealing with big targets.
    • Talon Dive is great also if you attack medium-sized targets. Trinket Collectors increases the price of Harpies but gives them the Miner trait which is not what they’re there for.
  • Harvest Golem – Unstable Core: On death, it stuns nearby enemies for 3 seconds which is great for crowd control.
    • Trojan Chickens also give more damage to the unit as chickens can get really close when they spawn. Bountiful Harvest is only useful if you’re running a healing deck.
  • Holy Nova – Inner Fire: This makes affected allies gain Armored AND Resist for 5 seconds making this an amazing talent.
    • Renew adds heal over time which is great for heal decks. Amplify Magic only works for specific decks that have Elemental minis.
  • Huntress – Elven Might or Shadowmeld: The first one deals 50% more damage and Shadowmeld gives the unit stealth and ambush.
    • Darnassian Steel adds 3 more bounces to the attack which isn’t as great as the other talents.
  • Living Bomb – Blast Radius: the explosion burns enemies now potentially dealing more damage.
    • Burden of Fate adds the dazed debuff to affected enemies which isn’t that great. Chain Reaction requires living targets that aren’t always there after the initial explosion.
  • Meat Wagon – Filet Trebuchet: It increases the range of the unit giving it more potential combinations with other troops.
    • Greased Gears adds more damage while Meat and Bones actually makes you deal less damage since the attack summons a skeleton instead.
  • Molten Giant – Blood of the Mountain: On death explodes damaging nearby enemies and the damage is substantial.
    • Threatening Presence can help with drawing attention to the unit as it gives it a taunt. Bolster heals lets the unit heals when destroying a tower which is situational.
  • Mountaineer – Intimidation: Gives the bear taunt which means the Hunter can actually survive in most situations.
    • Frenzied Spirit adds damage to the unit via Bloodlust when either the bear or mountaineer dies. Mend Pets is only useful with beast decks.
  • Murloc Tidehunters – Safety Bubble: Deploy with a bubble that blocks the first attack which is great for this squishy unit.
    • Careful aim adds more range which is also a great pick. Morelocks adds another Murloc potentially increasing damage.
  • Necromancer – Jeweled Skull: Makes it so the unit summons Skeletal Mages instead of Skeletons making it more powerful.
    • Cult of the Damned can potentially give you more skeletons while Breath of the Dying adds even more!
  • Ogre Mage – Frostfire Bolt: Attacks now have frost which is great since it gives the unit some control.
    • Avarice gives the unit bloodlust when it gives it to an ally giving more damage which is also good. Ignite burns the enemies but doesn’t do that much damage.
  • Plague Farmer – Splashing Pumpkins: It increases the range of the attack and even increases the splash area. This makes the unit better at dealing with groups and the extra range is always good.
    • A Parting Gift is good if you want to get something from the unit dying. Virulence adds more damage but only if it’s killed.
  • Polymorph – Golden Fleece: One of the sheep becomes golden and if you kill it you gain 1 gold. This makes this not only great for control but for getting gold as well!
    • Exploding Sheep is also great for dealing more damage. Stable Transfiguration makes the spell last long but increases the regeneration which is bad.
  • Prowler – On the Prowl: Gives stealth to the unit and stuns the target when it attacks from steal. This can be great for dealing a lot of damage on the first strikes.
    • Pack Leader is a great pick if you’re doing beast swarm decks. Predatory Instincts give more damage but not as much as attacking from stealth.
  • Pyromancer – Pyroblast: Deals triple damage on the first attack which can one-shot a lot of enemies.
    • Conflagrate increases the splash area but not as great as the triple damage. Blaze of Glory is on-death damage and isn’t any better.
  • Quilboar – Tunnel Vision: It’s deployed more quickly giving it more flexibility since you can respond faster.
    • Bristleback adds more damage but has to get hit to do so. Bramble Burst can add more damage through poison.
  • Raptors – Strength In Numbers: Gives 10% more damage for each other raptor nearby making this a big buff if you have a lot.
    • Fast Food heals on kill but it’s generally not enough. Motivation gains bloodlust when a chest or gold vein is nearby which is situational.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot – Gnomish Cloaking Device: The gnome deploys with stealth and ambush after the explosion which can get you more hits before getting hit.
    • Comin’ in Hot! Is also a great pick as it adds burn damage as well as deploying it faster. Gnomis Muttonizer polymorph’s the first blaster target which isn’t that useful.
  • Skeleton Party – 5-Man: This is the best pick as it summons a Skeleton tank, a rogue, a priest, and 2 mages. This can make the unit a very good all-rounder.
    • Ritual of Rime makes the skeletons into mages which is also good for the raw damage and potential to take towers on. Corpse Run increases the level after the first deployment which isn’t that great compared to the other talents.
  • Skeletons – Exhume: It adds 2 more skeletons when you deploy it near a tower of meeting stone.
    • Questing Buddies gives one armor, one resist, and one stealth but it doesn’t really help them that much. Cackle gains taunt which isn’t that great for this unit.
  • Smoke Bomb – Through the Shadows: Minis affected move 50% faster until out of stealth which makes it super useful.
    • Band of Thieves grants 1 level to cycle minis within which is great for cycle decks. Stranger in the Night affects enemies as well which can be a boon or a detriment.
  • Spiderlings – Envenom: Makes them deal twice as much poison damage giving the unit a huge damage buff.
    • Bloated Carapace makes them explode on death while poisoning enemies if you want extra AOE damage. Frostbite can slow enemies down with frost but is only good for single units.
  • Stonehoof Tauren – Momentum: The unit charges a second time after the first one connects if possible. This can make the Tauren charge the tank and the ranged units behind it.
    • Pummel stuns the charged target for 3 seconds is great but not as good as damaging the back line. Provoke gives the unit a taunt after a charge which doesn’t do much for this tank.
  • Vultures – Migration: All additional vultures spawn at your base means that you can have a constant stream of this unit.
    • Feeding Frenzy can add a lot of damage, but only if the unit actually kills other units. Tendon Rip dazes enemies which don’t do that much for this unit.
  • Warsong Grunts – Blood Pact: When one of the units dies the other gains bloodlust which is always great for any situation.
    • Command is a great pick if you have a beast-heavy deck. Guard Duty makes them stationary which isn’t really their strong point.
  • Warsong Raider – Saboteur: This lowers the damage of a tower for 3 seconds giving you a chance to damage it even more.
    • Razing Focus can be useful if you want this unit to focus on towers or bosses. Sunder Armor is situational as the bonus relies on the enemy having armor in the first place.
  • Whelp Eggs – Flame Burst: When the eggs hatch damage nearby enemies giving it technically a damage buff.
    • Rookery was also great back then when it added an additional whelp, but it was nerfed. Chromatic Platin gives the eggs taunt which isn’t that great compared to the other two.
  • Worgen – Premeditation: Increases ambush damage by a whopping 50% giving it a massive damage boost.
    • Lone Wolf can give you some gold in some situations. Frenzy gives the unit bloodlust but only after a kill.

There you have it! In case you’re interested, here’s a Warcraft Rumble: Best Minis & Leaders Tier List (Nov, 2023) that you might want to check out as well.

Those are all the best talents for all the leaders, troops, and minis in Warcraft Rumble! Now go out there and grind those levels to get those talents!

ALSO READ: Warcraft Rumble: Top 5 Meta Starter Decks For PvP


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