
Warcraft Rumble: Top 5 Meta Starter Decks For PvP

Try out these decks if you’re new!

Warcraft Rumble Top 5 Meta Starter Decks For PVP

With the new Warcraft Rumble game, fans of the world might see a lot of familiar faces in the new gameplay and mechanics. There are a lot of new things you’ll need to learn in this game and if you’re just starting, it’s best to know a few things. One of the things you’ll need to know is what are the Meta Starter decks for PVP in the game.

In this guide, we’ll show you the top 5 Meta Starting Decks if you want to do PVP in the game. We’ll also show you some tactics and playstyles you can do with each deck. Now, let’s see what the game has to offer!

Top 5 Meta Starter Decks For PvP

There are a lot of ways you can make decks in this game and you can make a lot of crazy stuff. The thing is for newbies you might not have everything you need. Here are some great starter decks that you can play to have fun and also have a chance in PVP!

Make sure to go check out our guide on How to play the game on the PC if you haven’t already!

Rend Blackhand – Rend Air

This deck focuses on a lot of flying units and is great for dealing with a lot of damage. With Rend Blackhand’s ability called “Darken The Skies,” all flying troops cost 1 less gold. This is great since some of these units can be quite pricey. A great deck for both PVE and PVP.


  • Gargoyle – Can only damage structures but can tank a lot of damage from them.
  • Whelp Eggs – Main defensive unit to defend against ground units.
  • Harpies – Deals a lot of damage but are weak against AOE.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot – Backup defense units that you can deal with both flying and ground units.
  • Earth Elemental – Main tank for your flying units.
  • Drake – Main AOE unit to clear enemies and make way for other units.

The main way to attack is to either use Earth Elementals or Drakes to clear/tank units, while Harpies and Gargoyles deal with tougher enemies and structures. Rend Blackhand should be placed first so you get that discount on flying units.

For defense, you either have Whelp Eggs that you can place to block and damage enemy ground units or SAFE Pilots for dealing with everything else.

Warcraft Rumble Rend Blackhand

Tirion Fordring – Tirion Footment

The main unit for this deck is the Footment and you have multiple units to help it out. The Hero Unit Tirion Fordring is often regarded as a tank, but in this deck, he’s mainly used to heal the footmen. The same goes for the Frostwolf Shaman to make sure the units are alive.


  • Gryphon Rider – Flying unit with high damage but low health.
  • Footmen – The main unit used with Tirion to keep them alive.
  • Frostwolf Shaman – Does healing and damage, great with Tirion and Footmen.
  • Blizzard – Use to destroy priority targets or clumps of enemies.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot – Used to destroy priority targets of backline attacks.
  • Murlock – Main anti-air unit, also great for taking chests.

To deal with pesky targets like drakes or other hero units, you’ll have the SAFE Pilot and the Blizzard. The Gryphon Rider is also there but remember that it doesn’t have that much health. For flying units, use the Murlocks since they’re quite cheap.

A great tactic to use for this deck is placing the Footmen in the middle of two lanes. That’s because they’ll split to 2 footmen each. This is where you place Tirion on one land and the Frostwolf Shaman in another lane to keep them alive.

Warcraft Rumble Tirion Fordring

Hogger – Hogger Cycle

The main unit in this deck is Hogger himself, the hero unit. The main ability of Hogger is that every time he is played his movement and attack speed are increased by 35%.

This can stack 3 times making him a great unit for pushing. That’s why the deck has a lot of cheap units, to make sure you cycle back to Hogger as soon as possible.


  • Quilboar – Cheap unbound unit that’s great for taking chests.
  • Defias Bandit – Cheapest unit in the deck costing only 1 gold.
  • Huntress – Mainly used with Hogger for a deadly combo.
  • Whelp Eggs – A unit mainly used for reacting and defense. Works great with a Quilboar.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot – Used to take down priority targets.
  • Murloc – Another cheap unit to keep cycling Hogger.

The Quilboar, Murloc, and Defias Bandits are there to be cheap and used to cycle back to Hogger.

The Whelp Eggs is there for defense as well as the SAFE Pilot for dealing with targets you need destroyed. Once you have a max stack Hogger, push with a Huntress and they can be a terrifying combo.

Warcraft Rumble Hogger

Baron Rivendare – Baron Necromancer

The main ability of the Baron Rivendare is that buildings will constantly summon Skeletons making sure you always have pressure on all lanes. Paired with Necromancers that summon even more, you can get a great push.


  • Gargoyle – Used to attack another lane while you push with the main lane.
  • Ghoul – Main tank and defense units. It heals by eating the defeated units making it great for staying alive.
  • Quilboar – Great for taking chests and pushing with Harpies.
  • Blizzard – Used to support the Gargoyle in pushing on another lane.
  • Necromancer – Summons more skeletons and deals good damage. Paired with the baron for even more skeletons.
  • Harpies – A flying unit that’s great for dealing damage to towers while ghouls tank.

The Harpies and Quilboar can also work well with the Skeletons, while ghouls are used to tank for all of them.

Meanwhile, you can place a Gargoyle to attack another lane to keep pressure in multiple lanes at the same time. If the Gargoyle is faced with a strong attack, then use the Blizzard to take care of them.

Warcraft Rumble Baron Revendare

Grommash Hellscream – Grommash Bloodlust

The main ability of Grommash Hellscream is that it buffs the units around him with increased attack speed and movement speed with Bloodlust. This means it’s great to have him with other units like the Stonehoof Tauren and Darkspear Troll.


  • Stonehoof Tauren – There to tank some hits for Grommash as well as deal damage.
  • Darkspear Troll – Very good anti-air unit and with the added attack speed from Grommash it can deal a lot of damage.
  • Ghoul – Used to tank along with the Stonehoof Tauren for the rest of the units.
  • Frostwolf Shaman – Keeps Grommash and other units alive.
  • S.A.F.E. Pilot – Used to take out priority targets and help with defense.
  • Murloc – Mainly used to get chests or add to a push.

Grommash can tank with his HP, but it’s not ideal since he doesn’t have any armor. Use the Ghoul or the Stonehoof Tauren to tank for him and use the Frostwolf Shaman to keep units alive.

The SAFE Pilot is used again for taking out higher-cost units or defending. The Murlocs are there to take the chests and to do more anti-air if needed.

Warcraft Rumble Grommash Hellscream

Those are all the top 5 Meta starter decks for PVP in Warcraft Rumble. Now, get out there and try these decks out and enjoy the new game!

ALSO READ: Warcraft Rumble: BEST Leaders to Choose First | Talents Guide


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