In The Lord of the Rings: Return To Moria, you’ll eventually meet the need for Sun-Stones to progress further, or rather deeper. Unfortunately, they’re not as easy to farm compared to the likes of iron. Here, I’ll share a couple of locations where you can gather Sun-Stone in the game. Prepare to get Ore-frenzied!
Where to Find Sun-Stone
To find Sun-Stone, you’ll have to break Stones located in the Depths. But remember, you’ll need a Tier-4 Pickaxe to do it. I’ll provide a couple locations that you can go to farm this material.
First, you can go ahead and make your way to the Baranzibar – Great Mithril Forge. From here, you’ll want to go to the Mines. Then, roam around the area, find a way to reach around 270 fathoms deep.
Once you make it to location, there will be lots of Sun-Stone nodes that you can collect in here. Be thorough in your exploration, as Sun-Stone can be found hidden in various nooks and crannies.
There you have it! But what if you haven’t yet gained access to Baranzibar? No worries, check out the next location that I’ll be showing you.

Up next, you can head to the Great Forge of Durin deep in the Depths. When I say “depths,” we’re delving a staggering 270 fathoms deep or more beneath the surface.
I won’t be able to provide an exact spot since maps change, but look for a deep hole with torches, like the one in the image below.
Once you make your way down, there will be stones/nodes pretty much scattered around. Unfortunately, Sun-Stone is very limited before Baranzibar, but hopefully it’s enough to get you further.
Also, there will be lots of Precious Gems nodes in here, which contain Diamonds in case you’re looking for them as well.

That’s how you find Sun-Stone in The Lord of The Rings: Return To Moria. While there are numerous potential locations, particularly beyond Baranzibar, we’re still in the dark about any prior to that. If you happen to know a location, we’re all ears and eager to hear from you. And should you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to drop them in the comments section below.