Welcome back to part 4 of the gunsmith tasks. If you’re new here, then you’re probably confused at where parts 1, 2, and 3 are. Don’t worry, they’re here, so you should probably check those out before continuing any further. If you have been following along to get the gunsmith tasks done, then welcome back. Now, we are up to part 4 of the gunsmith tasks and it is starting to get harder and pricier in trying to complete the tasks. But with this guide, you should be able to get it done in no time.
Escape From Tarkov – Mechanic Task Guide
Customize a Simonov OP-SKS Carbine

Up next in part 4 of the gunsmith tasks is the Simonov OP-SKS carbine rifle. This powerful gun is on the gunsmiths list, so we need to customize it to his liking. Here are the modifications you need to make before turning it in:
- SKS TAPC Intrafuse Stock Mechanic LL1
- SKS TAPCO Intrafuse Buffer Tube Mechanic LL1
- High Standard M4SS Stock Peacekeeper LL1
- SKS TAPCO Saw Style Pistol Grip Mechanic LL1
- SKS Promag 20-Round Magazine Peacekeeper LL1
- NPZ USP-1 “Tyuplan” 4x Scope Prapor LL1
- Hexagon SKS Sound Suppressor Skier LL3
- SKS Weapon Tuning Thread Adapter Jaeger LL2
- AKM Zenit DTK-4M Sound Suppressor Skier LL3

Now that you’ve successfully assembled the customized gun, you can now turn it in for those sweet rewards.
ALSO READ: Gunsmith Part 3 (Patch 0.13) – Mechanic Task Guide | Escape From Tarkov