Lost Ark: All Parna Forest Mokoko Seed Locations

Stefany Hernandez
4 Min Read

The Parna Forest is one of the areas you can visit in the North Vern continent. There are different parts of the forest like the Vine Grove and Deep Forest. This guide will show you all the Mokoko seed locations in Parna Forest.

Parna Forest Mokoko Seeds – Lost Ark

Here’s a map of all of the mokoko seed locations on Parna Forest with an explanation following on how to get each one below:

Source: Lost Ark Codex

#1 Mokoko Seed

You can find the first Mokoko seed on the southern part of the map, just north of the Parna Forest Entrance. The Mokoko seed is on the bush to the north of the wooden cart and barrels.

#2 Mokoko Seed

From the last area, head further north, and when you reach the fork, turn left until you reach a small area with a camp. You can find the Mokoko seed next to the sacks near the house.

#3 Mokoko Seed

Go to the Vine Grove and head to the south, right before the fork, you should see some goblin warriors near the cliff. There are also huge green tree roots to your south. Take a look here to find the third Mokoko seed.

#4 Mokoko Seed

Start from the Deep Forest and head north until you reach the open area here. You will find the Mokoko seed next to a broken pillar in the middle of the area.

#5 Mokoko Seed

Go back to the Deep Forest and take the southwest path this time. At the end of this path, you should see a circular platform with more broken pillars. The Mokoko seed is next to the pillar on your left.

#6 Mokoko Seed

The next Mokoko seed is on the central part of the map on Vine Grove. You will see a small staircase here that leads to the upper wooden platform. You can find the Mokoko seed on your left near the NPC.

#7 Mokoko Seed

You can find the seventh seed on the southwesternmost part of the map. From the Pirene River, keep heading south until you see a huge tree with green hanging branches in the middle of an area. The Mokoko seed is right next to this tree.

#8 Mokoko Seed

Go back to the Pirene River and head northwest until you see an area filled with bones. The Mokoko seed is right next to the bone.

#9 – #10 Mokoko Seed

From the last area, head northeast until you see a goblin hiding in the bush. Defeat the enemies in the area and talk to the goblin and follow it to get the two Mokoko seeds on top of the stone cliff.

#11 – #12 Mokoko Seed

Go further east and when you reach a fork, head south to the very edge of the map. There is a bunch of mushrooms here next to a bush. Interact with the mushroom and it will reveal the jump point to your left.

Follow the path to your left, before climbing the green ivy, you can find a Mokoko seed hidden on the huge tree roots to your right. The last Mokoko seed is on your left, near the ivy ladder.

If you defeat the enemies and help the goblin for the eleventh seed, he will reveal a jump point area, giving you access to the seeds.

ALSO READ: Lost Ark: All Rigens Village Mokoko Seed Locations

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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