The Next Gen Patch comes out and is looking mighty powerful and beautiful. It didn’t however just come out with a bunch of new visuals. Instead, you will have the option of finding My Rewards and looting some very cool gear. In this guide, we shall show you where to find these Rewards. Let’s get started.
Witcher 3 Next Gen – My Rewards Location
Main Menu

Once inside the main menu you can find the My Rewards tab just next to the Exit line. It will be second to last and exactly as shown in the picture above.
Then you will just need to click on it and you will see all of the rewards that you are able to get from the new Next Gen patch. Once you have seen them you will actually need to physically go into the game and find the rewards yourself.
Finding My Rewards

You will need to go into any fast travel location mark that you can locate in the world. Once there you will navigate through the global map and then find the Royal Palace in Vizima. It will be in the bottom right corner. Fast Travel to it.
Royal Palace In Vizima Rewards

Once you get inside the Royal Palace in Vizima you will need to follow the road that leads you to the left of the map. Once you get here to the furthest left point, you will find a very small room with a chest inside of it.
Loot the chest and inside this small chest is where you are able to find all of the new Rewards that you’ve just seen in the Main Menu. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you needed to do in order to find the Rewards. Have fun looking for them yourself!
ALSO READ: My Rewards Location – Witcher 3 Next Gen