Project Zomboid has recently put out Build 42 as their unstable branch, and it introduces a plethora of new and revamped content, including a huge extension of the vanilla map. If you are looking for some mods to try out, a lot of the stuff on the workshop has now been updated to work with this test version. Here are some of the best ones you can try!
10 Best Mods for Build 42
Before we get to the actual list, just know that this is completely subjective, since mod choices are mostly just based on how you want to tailor your own personal experience. With that said, this list will mainly consist of quality of life mods that most people might find helpful.
Also, Build 42 is called an unstable version for a reason. Expect things to break every now and then, especially if you add in various mods from the workshop. If you are having issues with one or more of these, you will have to bring it up with the individual creators as small updates might break them too.

Mod #1. Material Weight Reducer
The Material Weight Reducer mod is exactly what the title claims to be. If you want to run around for longer periods of time without being encumbered and forced to drop or store valuable resources, then this one is for you.
According to the mod description, it will reduce the weight of certain items to around 20% of its original value. This includes stuff like building supplies, basic crafting materials, and even tools. Keys, in particular, are supposedly reduced right down to zero weight, which is great!
Mod #2. What Can I Craft?
The “What Can I Craft?” mod is a huge quality of life fix that lets you check every crafting recipe for a specific item. It should not conflict with most mods, so you can freely add or take it away from your list whenever you want.
It is a relatively simple and straightforward mod, though there are certain unintentional things you can do with it, such as craft certain stuff without the necessary tools or workbenches. The mod’s creator is very active though and seems to be fixing bugs like these or simply replying to questions in their workshop listing’s comments section.
Mod #3. Hand Bag Window Climb / Throw Your Bag Across
Ever found it silly that you can’t just climb through windows while carrying some bags in your hands? Hand Bag Window Climb fixes that by letting you do… well, exactly that.
Alternatively, the Throw Your Bag Across mod created by the same user lets you chuck them through windows or above walls and fences. Either or both of these options are great quality of life fixes for those who love to carry around a lot of loot, or even if you just happen to find a useful bag while out on a supply run.

Mod #4. Generator Time Remaining
As the name implies, Generator Time Remaining tells you exactly how long you have until your fuel runs out. Rather than just telling you the percentage of fuel left in a generator, it will also display the days and/or hours remaining. Very straightforward and should honestly be a part of the vanilla game.
Mod #5. Durable Tools and Weapons
Just in case you want to try out stuff without having them break too fast, Durable Tools and Weapons will let you adjust the durability of various weapons to make them last longer. It comes with three different versions, so you can pick whether you want stuff to be nigh unbreakable or just slightly more robust than vanilla.
Just be wary of other mods that also make significant changes to weapons, as incompatibility issues may come up and mess with your save.
Mod #6. Ammo Loot Drop (Zombies Drop Ammo & Ammo Box)
This is something I always look for whenever I pick the game back up over the years. If you love using firearms in the game, this one is a no brainer unless you really like the idea of ammo scarcity and having to desperately search for some on a regular basis.
Basically, it just does what the title says. While this mod is enabled, zombies will have a decent chance of dropping various ammo types, and you can adjust the rates to your liking. The creator also has an Ammo Converter mod too, should you want such a feature in your runs.
Mod #7. Sink Cleaned Rags
This mod is pretty simple in that it lets you clean dirty bandages using a sink, which players should have been able to anyway. For some reason, they removed this feature from the unstable build, and whether or not it was intentional is still a bit unclear. Install this for now and remove it later on if the devs ever add it back in.

Mod #8. Detailed Descriptions for Occupations and Traits
This one is probably one of, if not the first thing you will see as you open the Steam Workshop. As the name implies, it basically just makes it clearer what each occupation or trait actually does. It supposedly uses values pulled straight from the game’s files, and more. With all of the stuff they changed in Build 42, this mod is incredibly useful for pretty much everyone.
Mod #9. Sleep On It
Sleep On It is a simple mod that lets you address boredom and stress by just resting. It might be a bit immersion breaking for some, but players who want to just get by without having to find other ways to deal with these issues will find this really helpful. Just go and sleep to have fun!
Mod #10. Jump
This mod quite literally just gives you the ability to jump. That is all there is to it. Well, there are also a bunch of conditions to keep in mind, such as the fact that you need to be relatively healthy and uninjured to do it, and you also have to be running first to actually jump.
It can be a bit clunky at times or even straight up buggy, though that is just the nature of mods in general. This should not conflict with anything, though you can always report any possible incompatibilities to the creator.
And that concludes this list, with many more options for you to explore in the workshop! With mod creators still in the process of updating their stuff, expect a few more huge community-made quality of life changes to get rolled out over time.