Glaivier joins the fray of playable classes in the hit MMO Lost Ark. While it’s been available in the Korean servers for some time now, it only just recently was announced to the rest of the world. Much like a Dragoon from other game titles, the Glaivier uses a lance as its main weapon and focuses on switching stances for burst or AoE attacks.
In this guide, we’ll tackle the basic things you’ll need to know as well as probably PVP builds that you can use to test your strength in the arenas!
How To Play Glaivier PVP Guide – Lost Ark

Glaivier has access to 22 skills in total, majority of them has effects and AoE attacks. The main draw of this class is the battle stance switching which also gives you bonuses as you do them. Although most of the information here has been gleaned from the Korean version of the class, there is no telling if there will be major changes once the class gets released in the global servers.
For PVP builds, the basics will be as follows:
Abstinence Level 3
Blitz Commander (Raid Captain) Level 3
Sharp Blunt (Keen Blunt Weapon) Level 3
Mass increase Level 3
Heavy Armor Level 3
You can also swap Mass Increase with Cursed Doll or Adrenaline, and this build relies on AGI or Crit stats. For PVP, the engravings will be as follows:
Heavy Armor Level 3
Indomitable Will Level 3
Spirit Absorption Level 3
That’s all there is to it! The rest of the stats would depend on your playstyle but these are the common ones you can use to get started. Winning the glory of battle will now be up to your skills!
ALSO READ: Lost Ark: How to Play Ranked | PvP Guide