Releasing in June 16 2022, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Shredder’s Revenge will bring some characters from the TMNT Universe. There’s one particular interesting new character called Tempestra. Who is she anyway? In this article we will dissect in details who she is and her background!
Who is Tempestra? – TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge
Tempestra is a villain in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle series and was first introduced in the 1987 cartoon. Basically, she’s like the ghost from The Ring who came out of a screen. But in Tempestra’s case, she came out of a video game.
There’s an episode where all the Turtles went to an arcade and Leonardo, being the genius he is, had beaten all the arcade game but one. Tempestra Revenge.
Leonardo took a beating after beating from the game to the point where he became so obsessed with Tempestra Revenge, that the arcade game comes to life.

Much like her name, Tempest, we believe that her actual power in the game will have something to do with violent wind, storm and arcade-y arcane.
Thanks to The Game Beaters for her in-depth character reveal, be sure to check their video for more info about Tempestra!
So have your umbrella ready, cause Tempestra will not go down easy.
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