
Final Fantasy XIV: Visual Guide To Farming Tomestones

Visual guides for the visual players!

Final Fantasy XIV Visual Guide To Farming Tomestones

Doing dungeons in MMOs can be tough work, and it can be even tougher when you don’t know what you’re doing. When I used to play Elder Scrolls Online, we used to go through every dungeon blind and it was quite fun, but some people don’t have 12 hours to spend slamming their heads against a wall wondering why we keep on dying. That’s why we have online guides! In this guide, we’ll show you a visual guide to farming tomestones.

Visual Guide To Farming Tomestones In Final Fantasy XIV

There is always that one dungeon that everyone hates to play. There were some dungeons like Tol Dagor in World Of Warcraft that had multiple bugs when it was still new, and Crisis on Umbara in Star Wars the Old Republic that would make everyone’s PC lag for some reason at one point in the run. These dungeons are engraved in the player’s minds as dungeons they’d rather optimize the fun out of them because there’s not really any fun to be had in the first place. For Final Fantasy XIV it’s Aurum Vale.

This dungeon is notorious for many reasons that any seasoned Final Fantasy 14 player can spend hours listing how they hate it. Luckily for players, people out there are willing to help you ease the pain of running dungeons like these. Especially in the time when you need to farm Tomestones!

A Reddit user by the name of Liam_Galt has made this handy visual guide on how to farm Tomestones in this Dungeon.

Source: Farming Tomestones!

This beautiful guide shows the optimal party composition, the spells needed by the 3 blue mages of the party and the overall strategy to do the run, all in a neat little package. It even has some notes for a solo run as well! Guides like these are great when you’re doing a party with your friends and it eases the hours of farming when everyone knows what to do from the start. Of course, there are going to be mistakes here and there but that’s part of the pain and fun of playing with other people.

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