Milling in the game is very confusing and full of hard work, just like real life milling. However, getting the Milling Machine in Dinkum is a great goal to have, as it is an incredibly vital asset later down the road when playing through the game. The Milling Machine may not be a go getter in the beginning, but that will change once you reach near the endgame of Dinkum when you need resources that can be created easily with the Milling Machine. With that, here’s a guide on how to get the Milling Machine.
How to Get the Milling Machine – Dinkum
The Milling Machine, or the Grain Mill, is useful for tending to your farm. Most likely, you will be using the Grain Mill to create animal food for all of your farm animals. Creating the animal food is easy. All you need is 10 Grass Seeds or an Ear of Corn. Grass Seeds are easier to collect, as you can use a Scythe to mow down the grass. Or, you can just smack the grass with your tools.
But Grass Seeds won’t be useful if you don’t have the Grain Mill. To get it, you will need to earn 250 Permit Points, which can be earned by doing Milestones. With the Permit Points ready, talk to Fletch and get the Farming License, if you haven’t already.
With the purchase of the license, you now have access to the recipes, including the Grain Mill. However, you still need to craft it. To craft the Grain Mill, you will need 4 Gumwood Planks, 4 Old Gears, 2 Copper Bars, and 1 Old Wheel. Once you craft it, set it down and get to work. Congratulations, you now have the item that you wanted.
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