
Open The Village Gates Via The Volan – Atomic Heart

The future will be better tomorrow!

With Comrade Major Nechaev’s track record as an amnesiac hero of the Second World War surely nothing can go wrong under his watchful eye during the unveiling of Kollektiv 2.0?  Well too bad because now it is up to you, the player, to walk him through what is left of the Vavilov Complex as his occupation slowly turns him into the sole maintenance personnel of the facility. You can see that the facility above ground is just as sizeable as the one below so performing your duties might be a tad overwhelming. In this guide all of your negative thoughts will go away as we show you how easy things really are.

Atomic Heart | Open The Village Gates Via The Volan

After going through a very long elevator ride while listening to Charles’ explanation regarding the actions taken towards staff who are deemed as enemies of the Motherland, you shortly arrive back on the surface. Now you have to find the Volan to proceed further!

Upon resurfacing you will find that the gate leading out of the village has been shut tight for security purposes, as vaulting over private property is considered anti-Soviet behavior your next alternative is to head to the nearby tower (Volan) to override the system.

It’s not as simple as waiting for a canister to fill up this time as you need a valid code to be given access to the security system. Grandmother Zina contacts you and advices you to head on over to her hut to proceed further.

After watching a livestream Granny Zina gives you the codes you need in order to interact with the Volan, pick that off from her table along with the blueprints for the Dominator.

Take a short stroll through the woods and climb back into the Volan, after that you will now have satellite access over the facility. Hover over one of the cameras in the image above and zoom in to see the gate.

Simply open the gate and you’re in the clear! Now the road to Lesnaya Station awaits, it’s time to defend mankind and its destiny Comrade Major!

ALSO READ: Fire Up The Neural Network – Atomic Heart


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