
The Brave New World – Atomic Heart

Come and see!

Join the Soviet Union today as they celebrate progress by leaving the tedious drudgery of unskilled manual labor to the very machines that man built! With Kollektiv 2.0 right around the corner and you making your rounds at Vivalov nothing can go wrong! Witness all of this blow up in your face as your simple trip down to the surface gets cut off short by corporate espionage and mindless robots. This happens on two occasions so it’s back to more security work and platforming! Come along and witness a brave new world with this guide, don’t talk to the fridge too much by the way.

Atomic Heart – The Brave New World

The game has level progression that’s cut off by a loading screen, similar to Bioshock Infinite. Once you finish looting a place dry you can head on down to the next area where a new set of objectives will be presented to you. Let’s see what needs to be done after you leave Lesnaya Station!

The moment you barely start to cover any ground your trip is once again interrupted and you share a cutscene with Stockhausen. He will shortly make an escape while you deal with a Lab Tech. Make your way towards the park past the Lenin statue. Conform to communist ideals and make a left turn to find another way inside.

The next thing you see is the Hawk overlooking the park, you get the bright idea of landing it and riding it all the way up to get a better look on things. Do this by heading up the nearby Volan and interact with any camera that is close enough to the control station. Approach the console inside and choose the option that says Hawk Maintenance.

The Haw will now descend and you will be introduced to more platforming elements as the game informs you of your ability to climb or hang on to yellow pipes. When the Hawk gets to its highest point ride the cable into the center of the park to keep the ball rolling!

Interact with the green post sticking out of the ground upon landing and a ball will come rolling towards you with the intent to flatten! This is the Hedgie, it’s supposed to collect rare plants and minerals when operating normally. Remember the Omnidroids from The Incredibles? Yeah that’s the one! Now you get to fight it while listening to more of Mick Gordon’s work. Get busy!

Its moveset includes rolling around over 50km/h and sending an orange wave that’s hot to the touch along with three projectiles that you can easily dodge by side-stepping. When you bring its health down to 50% it will start sucking you in while still sending out a heatwave that you need to jump over.

Shock the nearby green pole sticking out of the ground to send out another flower and bait the Hedgie to roll where you’re standing to deal explosive amounts of damage. Its last desperate attempt at killing you is three consecutive heatwaves, jump over those one last time and the machine will enter cooldown mode rendering it immobile. Give it some more buckshot and enjoy the fireworks!

Walk away from the explosion without looking and proceed to the main entrance. Another pleasant surprise presents itself to you at the bottom as the front door isn’t working.

Pull on the device in front of the entrance and it will play a musical sequence. Let the highest note ring and jump into the panel silo on the opposite side that leads you back into the basement. That concludes The Brave New World, congratulations on making it back underground!

ALSO READ: Go To The Lesnaya Station – Atomic Heart


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