High On Life is the newest addition to the FPS genre and it’s a game that’s not like the other FPS games we’ve seen recently. This game is made by the co-creator of Rick & Morty and the dialogue of this game really shows it. The game features funny talking guns that are also characters in the story, weird and interesting aliens and a quest to be the best bounty hunter there is. The game also has a lot of maps filled with beautiful and strange places as well as hidden collectibles you can find. In this guide we’ll show you where to find all the Lugloxes in the Upper Valley.
All Upper Valley Luglox Locations In High On Life
What are Lugloxes anyway? Well they’re the game’s treasure boxes which you can then open to find all sorts of things like upgrades and collectibles. That’s why it’s great to look for these boxes scattered around the maps. We highly suggest that you get all the boost upgrades and weapons first before trying to find all of them since it’s way easier that way. Here are all the Luglox locations in the Upper Valley!
Luglox #1

The first Luglox is behind the portal, you’ll see a wall where you can climb up and on top is the Luglox.
Luglox #2

From the previous Luglox look at the settlement on the green goo river, to its right is a cave. Go inside the cave and continue until you find a green goo waterfall, go above it to get the Luglox.

Luglox #3

Go back and look down from the previous Luglox and you’ll see a cave to the right where another Luglox can be found as long as you move forward and stay to the left wall.

Luglox #4

Continue following the left wall to get to the next Luglox.
Luglox #5

Continue behind the Luglox and you’ll find this rock plateau, move forward till you go pass the blue light shown on the image above. Just below the cliff is another Luglox.

Luglox #6

Go to where the previous Luglox was facing and you’ll enter Lower Valley where you can find another Luglox just on top of a rock shown above.
Luglox #7

From the previous Luglox turn around and drop down, then turn right to see the giant red mushrooms and a zip line. On top of one of the mushrooms is another Luglox.
Luglox #8

Just below the previous Luglox is another one just on top of a smaller mushroom.
Luglox #9

Facing the previous Luglox turn left and continue forward till you reach the Sacred Grounds. Turn right and you’ll see another Luglox inside a shipping container hanging above the green goo river.
Luglox #10

Go back from the previous Luglox and continue through the Upper Mine Entrance. There you’ll find a section of the floor where you can see below, below that floor is another Luglox.
Luglox #11

Continue through the mine until you reach the point above, go left and up and you’ll find this interesting sight of some aliens playing a game. Next to them is a Luglox.

Luglox #12

Go through that area and you’ll find a fan that you can go through, when jumping out you’ll see the Luglox hidden away in a hole on the ceiling to the left.

Luglox #13

Go to where the previous Luglox was facing and you’ll see this large yellow vehicle, go on top of it and you’ll find the next Luglox.

Luglox #14

Jump down from the large vehicle into the platform being held by a crane where there’s another Luglox.
Luglox #15

Go to where the previous Luglox was facing and you’ll find a path going down to another fan, go through it to find the next Luglox.
Luglox #16

Go above from where the fan is and you’ll see a building, at the back end of the roof is another Luglox.

Luglox #17

Face where the previous Luglox was facing and go down, then turn right to a bridge. Before crossing the bridge look below to the left of it and you’ll find a ledge that will lead to these large plants blocking the way. There’s a gap where you can shoot to open the area, behind is another Luglox.

Luglox #18

Go back to the bridge and cross it this time, to the right is another Luglox.

Luglox #19

Continue through the path and you’ll find another Luglox down below.
Luglox #20

Looking at the previous Luglox go left up a ramp and up a couple more ramps until you find the area on the image below, up the left ramp is a door where another Luglox is.

Luglox #21

When entering the Mine Outskirts area you can find another Luglox just behind some containers.

Luglox #22

Behind the previous Luglox is a container with a forcefield. Behind it you can shoot a creature inside to turn off the forcefield.
Luglox #23

Go straight to where the previous Luglox was facing and you’ll find a gree goo river with a Luglox next to the shore.
Luglox #24

Following the river you’ll find a container where you can go inside to find the next Luglox.

Luglox #25

From the previous Luglox go out of the container and turn left then forward till you find the path above. Go past the doorway and you’ll see another Luglox.

Luglox #26

Go back to the goo river and follow it till you find the area above, follow the path and look down the cliff to find another Luglox.

Luglox #27

Looking at the previous Luglox turn right and then go up and turn right again jumping a gap. Stick to the right wall and you’ll find a Luglox there.
Luglox #28

Go back to the area of Luglox #7 and go up the river shown above. You’ll need to do some platforming till you reach the area shown below where there’s another Luglox.

Luglox #29

To the right of the previous Luglox is a wall where you can place a platform, go there and turn right to see another wall to put a platform. Go up there and look up to see another Luglox.

Luglox #30

From the previous Luglox go down and look into the goo river, down to the left is wall you can run through that goes into a cave, inside is another Luglox.

Luglox #31

From the previous Luglox go to the right up a zip line and make a platform at the end. Look behidn and jump the red mushroom. To the right is a building where there’s a lot of computers, interact with all of them till they all show Lugloxes to unlock the Luglox in the room.

Luglox #32

The final Luglox is actually near the start of the Deep Jungle Area, continue down the path till you see the area shown above. Use the mushrooms as platforms and go through to an area where you can find the Luglox next to a lamp post.

Congratulations you now know where all the Lugloxes are in the Upper Valley in High On Life. Now go out there and try to get them all. Many thanks to 100% Guides for showing everyone where to find them, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: High On Life Upper Valley All Luglox Locations – YouTube