With the new Update 3 now released for Anime Champions Simulator, there is a bunch of new content added to the game. Once you’ve unlocked the new world, which is known as the Land of Ants, you’re probably wondering where the boss unit is located. Having said that, how exactly can you find the Ant King?
How to Find Ant King Easily in Update 3
Right when you teleport into the newest world, talk to the Ant Hunter NPC. This will let you start a new quest chain that will eventually lead you to the king itself.

You will be tasked with defeating 50 Lobsters, 25 Ramiros, and 10 Chiaras. The first two can be found in the same village as the Ant Hunter.
In order to find Chiara spawns that will count towards the mission, follow the road going outside of the village until you reach a bridge.
Once you make it to the bridge, cross it and turn left. You should find at least three spawns here.

After finishing this quest, you will be tasked with breaking into the Nest. To find it, follow the road to the right of the bridge and keep running forward until you run into a cave that’s blocked by some rocks.
You’ll know when you find it, as it is a DPS check wall and the Ant Hunter will be standing right beside it. Break the wall to complete this part of the questline.

For the next step, you have to go inside the cave and destroy an orange, blue, and purple egg. There will only be one spawn of each, so follow along to find them.
First up, from the entrance, take the path to the right and turn right once more after you reach the open area. You should immediately see a room full of purple eggs inside. The first egg should be right inside, and it has 14 billion HP.

After you’ve destroyed this egg, walk back outside the entrance to this room and run all the way forward. You should eventually stumble into the room with the orange egg inside.

This egg has significantly lower HP than the others and should only take seconds to destroy. Once you’re done with that, go back to the entrance of this entire cave.
Now, from the entrance, instead of going right, take a left and you should immediately start seeing blue eggs. The last target is inside, and it has 5.5 billion HP.

After you’ve completed this quest, head back to the entrance of the orange egg room and turn right. You’ll see another blocked path with a DPS check, you have to break this wall in order to proceed to the next step.

Once you’ve broken through and completed the quest, the Ant Hunter will appear and summon a portal to a Pocket Dimension. Simply enter this portal and then enter another portal labeled “Palace”.

Inside, you’ll find The King, which has a whopping 800 billion HP. It’ll take you a while to beat it if your DPS is not in the billions, so sit back and relax as you try to complete this final step!

You’ll likely get a bit of help from other players afking beside the Hunter Orb, so don’t worry too much about your damage and just do what they’re doing until the quest is done.
And that’s how you find the Ant King in Anime Champions Simulator’s Update 3! Now get out there and start grinding the new boss and orb!
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