ARK: Survival Ascended is finally here to haunt the computers of anyone who doesn’t have a 4090 installed. Aside from a new landscape to look forward to, Tekgrams have also made a return along with the other crafting recipes you became familiar with nearly a decade ago!
So what are the new Tekgrams you can get? And what needs to be toppled for them to be ingrained to your cerebral cortex? Well we’re glad you asked! The key to unlocking all of this knowledge is in the guide below!
All Unlockable Tekgrams
There’s a total of 44 Tekgrams that you can learn in ARK: Survival Ascended. All of them can be learned from defeating bosses and certain reskins of the same bosses.
Here are the bosses you need to take down in order to learn the Tekgrams from them:
- Broodmother Gamma
- Broodmother Beta
- Broodmother Alpha
- Megapithecus Gamma
- Megapithecus Beta
- Megapithecus Alpha
- Dragon Gamma
- Dragon Beta
- Dragon Alpha
- Overseer Alpha

The list below will show you all the available Tekgrams from the bosses you take down. Keep a rocket launcher close by, you know the drill:
Broodmother Gamma
- Tek Triangle Roof & Corner
- Tek Quarter & Triangle Ceiling
- Tek Triangle Foundation
- Tek Foundation
Broodmother Beta
- Tek Ladder
- Tek Sloped Wall
- Tek Quarter Wall & Railing
- Tek Pillar
- Tek Ceiling & Hatchframe
- Tek Wall, Doorways & Windowframe
- Tek Boots
Broodmother Alpha
- Tek Turret
- Mosasaur Tek Saddle
- Tek Helmet
Megapithecus Gama
- Tek Gauntlets
Megapithecus Beta
- Tek Trough
- Tek Generator
- Tek Large Cellar Door
- Tek Gateway
- Tek Gate
- Tek Rifle
Megapithecus Alpha
- Tek Large Wall
- Tek Grenade
- Rex Tek Saddle
Dragon Gamma
- Small Tek Teleporter
- Tapejara Tek Saddle
- Megalodon Tek Saddle
- Tek Behemoth Cellar Door
- Tek Behemoth Gateway
- Tek Behemoth Gate
- Tek Leggings
- Tek Replicator
Dragon Beta
- Medium Tek Teleporter
- Tek Doors & Windows
- Tek Roof, Ramp & Stairs
- Tek Fence Foundation & Support
- Tek Dedicated Storage
- Vaccum Compartment & Moonpool
- Tek Forcefield
- Tek Transmitter
Dragon Alpha
- Tek Cloning Chamber
- Large Tek Teleporter
- Tek Chestpiece
Overseer Alpha
- Tek Binoculars

And those are all of the unlockable Tekgrams you can get in ARK: Survival Ascended. Now, get to work, those bosses won’t off themselves no matter how nice you may ask.
ALSO READ: Ark Survival Ascended: How To Use PING 2.0 System & Guide