Ark Survival Ascended, just like the original game, is admittedly a bit janky and has some exploits that have persisted even through this newly reworked version. Among these exploits is called “meshing”, which involves going under the map or into other objects in the world. So how exactly does it work and can you defend against those using it?
Meshing Guide
First of all, there are two different types of meshes in the game. Namely, there is a “ground mesh” and there is a so-called “rock mesh”.
The former encompasses practically the whole map, while the latter exploit involves jamming yourself into rocks in varying ways.
Ground Meshing
Getting under the ground mesh is actually hilariously simple, as all you need to do is stand on top of a cellar door and then open it to phase through the floor.

Thankfully, there is a built-in mechanic that brings you back up to the surface after a few seconds of being under the mesh.
The ceiling is also hard, which means you cannot shoot out of it nor can you escape through it as you will bump into an invisible wall.

The only way to stay under it is by going beside or on top of a cave, as the main map will not be loaded while you’re inside such an area.
Unfortunately, this can still be abused by those with Tek armor, though turrets under the mesh can still target players exploiting this glitch, and actually attempting this exploit is incredibly difficult.

Rock Meshing
Unlike the original game, rocks in this game are solid walls that you cannot shoot through nor can you easily leave it once you’re inside.
Unfortunately, there are still ways to jam yourself into walls that will allow you to build a foundation and bed inside, which you can fast travel into.

There are also holes in certain parts of the map that will simply let you mesh into the rocks within some caves. These allow exploiters to build bases inside the map.

Because of this, if you are aware that there are meshing exploiters in the server, you should be careful around certain rocks as turrets can shoot out of them for some reason.
That’s all we know about meshing so far. It is absolutely a broken “mechanic” that should typically not be abused, though in some cases, the only way to defend against it is by doing it yourself and placing turrets under the map.
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