Playing as a Viking is great, but how about playing as an Aesir god that’s traversing through Helheim, fighting waves of enemies until you reach an arena where you face a giant wolf? Well, that’s what happens in the Forgotten Saga. Here, you fight a large wolf named Balufr, and it is not friendly in the slightest. Fighting it can be tough, and with the strength of a wolf and its speed, you’ll most likely be missing instead of hitting. Here, we’ll show you how to fight it in this Balulfr Boss Fight guide. Let’s get started.
Balulfr Boss Fight Guide – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Fighting Balulfr is actually pretty easy. It’s like fighting the regular wolves in the game, except this one is glowing red and is twice as fast and twice as strong. However, you can easily take it down in melee combat.
There is no easy way to fight Balulfr, as it seems like it has no weaknesses. However, it’s not that strong either, where it can easily chip down half of your health. The strategy here is just to swipe and dodge. You will be able to tell when it’s going to attack by the bright red indicator, which you can use to dodge out of the way.
Balulfr will summon other wolves to assist, but they can be taken down pretty easily. Once you do, just go back to Balulfr and keep attacking until it dies.
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