Blox Fruits has just dropped Update 20 and it is absolutely massive. There are so many new things that have been added, alongside full reworks to all aspects of the game. This includes Fruits, New Maps, New Systems, Raids, Bosses and much much more. As a result, it is possible that you may have missed some of the new things that have been added.
In this guide, we will show you everything you need to know about all the changes that have been introduced with Update 20. There is a lot to cover so we will show you the main updates so that you can check them out yourself after booting up Blox Fruits. Without further ado, let’s dive into this massive update!
All Changes In Update 20
Update 20 has added various changes and additions to all aspects of the game. We will try to cover each separate aspect so that you can get a good idea of what to expect. Keep in mind that there are still secrets and steps that are being discovered as players explore the new Update.
New Fruits
Fans were expecting there to be only one new Fruit added to the update. However, there have been a staggering 3 New Fruits added to the game.
This includes two new Fruits and one Fruit that is essentially a complete rework of an existing fruit.

The New Fruits are the Sound Fruit and the Mammoth Fruit. These new Fruits come with their own Mastery that you can grind out to get new Skills.

The New Reworked Fruit is the Rocket Fruit that has replaced the Kilo Fruit. It has entirely different animations and skills, which includes one that allows you to fly in the air. A great addition that significantly improves on the old Kilo Fruit.

Fruit Design Reworks
All the fruits in the game have had their Cosmetic designs completely reworked. Not only do they have a different design, but they also come with their unique animations.
Additionally, they also look different in the UI. These new Cosmetic designs help reflect the theme of the Fruit.
They also look incredibly cute, although there are conflicting views on these changes. Some fans believe that the cutesy designs do not suit the game, while others welcome the new change feeling it is more polished.

New Island
Another great addition is a brand new Island that has been added to the Third Sea. This is the Tiki Outpost and it comes equipped with a whole set of NPCs, Quests, and a lot of other content that we will talk about in this guide.

You can easily use the Portal Fruit to teleport to it, as it will appear in the Menu. Now, Blox Fruits players can explore a new island and discover the secrets that it holds.
The Level Cap has also been increased to 2550, providing players with a new incentive to play the new Island!

Old Island Reworks
Many of the old islands in the game have been reworked for more quality-of-life changes. This means that the overall quality of the islands is much better and more engrossing for players.
The majority of these island reworks have been towards the islands in the First and Second Sea.
It is expected that the majority of these changes will come into effect later in the coming months. Many players predict that these changes will come into play during Christmas, for example, and other events.

Crafting and Enchanting System
A new Crafting and Weapon Enchantment System has also been added to Update 20. You can now craft Scrolls and get your Weapons Enchanted by visiting the Dragon Talon Sage NPC, which can be found in a tall Temple on the new Tiki Outpost Island.

Scrolls can be crafted after you give him the necessary materials. After that, you can Enchant your Weapon by trading in the necessary Scrolls.
Enchanting is a great thing to do as it provides your Weapons with unique buffs and Blessings that make them significantly better.
Now, here’s a guide which shows you how to Craft Scrolls in Update 20 that you might find helpful.

You can also Craft Accessories and the Beast Hunter Ship by visiting the Beast Hunter and Shark Hunter NPCs.
Fulfilling their material requirements will allow you to obtain these Accessories. If you’re interested, you can check out this guide on how to Obtain All Accessories in Update 20.

New Raids
There have also been new Raids added to the game. These Raids allow you to get new Materials which you can exchange to the NPCs for Crafting.
There are various Monsters that you can fight as part of these Raids. This includes Sharks, Piranhas and Ghost Ships.

Additionally, you can also encounter Terrorshark Raid Bosses. These are extremely difficult but provide you with Mythical Materials.
With that said, you might want to check check out this guide on how to Get Materials Quickly in Update 20 as well.

New Fighting Style
With so much new content added, the developers have even added a brand-new Fighting Style. This is the Sanguin Arts Fighting Style, which can be obtained through the Tiki Outpost Island. It is a powerful Fighting Style, but it is extremely difficult to obtain.
There are a number of steps to follow, which includes a lot of grinding, farming and luck. This includes fighting the Leviathan Sea Beast Boss multiple times and talking to certain NPCs on the Tiki Outpost Island.
Additionally, you will need to get your hands on the Sanguin Arts Cold Heart.

Reworked Weapons
Most, if not all the Weapons, have been reworked in Update 20. This means that each Weapon has a brand-new design, skill set and animations that play out for each skill. The reworked Weapons look much better now and will have your character looking like a real badass!
Additionally, the viability has also changed. We recommend that players now play around with the old Weapons they had lying around feeling that they weren’t good enough. Now, you may be surprised to see that they might actually suit your playstyle!

New Ships
There have been multiple Ships added as part of the Game Pass content. You can buy these Ships with Robux which includes the Sentinel, Guardian and Lantern.
There is also the Miracle which is a good boat considering that it is free. You can get these from the Luxury Boat Dealer at the docks.

They have some really unique designs that will make your crew look much more formidable. In particular, the Sentinel stands out because you can use it to actually fly!

There is also the Beast Hunter Ship that you can acquire from the Beast Hunter by fulfilling his Material requirements.
It is a Mythical Ship that you will need down the line if you want to get the new Sanguine Arts Fighting Style.

That’s everything you need to know about the new Changes brought into the new Update 20 of Blox Fruits. Obviously, there have also been additional quality of life changes and other adjustments. However, the major changes have been highlighted in this guide and we recommend that you check them out. Blox Fruits has not gotten such a comprehensive update in a long time!