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Grounded 1.4: All Ant Queen Locations Guide

A lot of games these days are going to the open-world route where they offer players massive areas to explore.…

Jon Suan

Dragon Soul: New Android 21 Majin Boss Location & Demon Aura

The Dragon Ball Z Roblox game Dragon Soul just got another mini update, which introduces a new boss for you…

Franco Abrina

Peroxide: Orochi Boss Guide & Location

Peroxide has just released another small update that added a few new features and fixed some minor bugs and lighting…

Franco Abrina

One Fruit Simulator: Awakened Venom Location & Showcase

One Fruit Simulator has finally released another small but significant update, as the developers have added the awakened version of…

Franco Abrina

Planet Crafter: How to Get Iridium Ore Location

The 1.0 version of Planet Crafter is finally out, which means tons of new and returning players are hopping right…

Franco Abrina

Type Soul: New Boss Raid Kisuke NPC Location Guide

Type Soul just got yet another major update, which added a whole lot of new content and balance updates. Among…

Franco Abrina

The Planet Crafter: Warden’s Keys Locations Guide

The Planet Crafter is a single-player, first-person building game with an open environment and survival elements. Throughout the playthrough, there…

Oyku Dincer

Infection Free Zone: Where To Find Guns?

Arm yourselves, the zombies are coming!

Andrés González

Dragon’s Dogma 2: Portcrystal Locations Guide

Portcrystals are handy portable fast travel points that you can place anywhere in Dragon’s Dogma 2. These fixtures are great…

Amanda Co

Critical Revengeance: Mage Guild Location

Roblox brings to you an open world RPG game where you can embark on adventures, craft items, gather materials, have…

Reemsha Moosani

Phighting: Bivekit Location & Showcase

You know, it’s pretty rare when a Roblox game decides to collab with another game from the same platform. Typically,…

Karl Castaneda

Arcane Odyssey: All Easter Eggs Location

A lot of Roblox games these days often have seasonal events for players to experience and get great items out…

Jon Suan