Final Fantasy 14 is well known for its bosses with a lot of different and unique mechanics. Not only that but some mechanics are used again but in interesting and different combinations that can keep players on their toes. The Dark Thordan Phase in Dragonsong Reprise Ultimate is one of those boss battles where the party needs to remember its mechanics. In this guide, we’ll show you the different mechanics this boss will use in the battle. Hopefully, you and your party can do well after this guide.
Dark Thordan Phase (Thordan 2) In Dragonsong Reprise Ultimate Phase 5 Guide | FFXIV
Now in this guide, we’ll assume that you already know the mechanics from previous phases. We will only go through the new mechanics introduced in this specific phase so keep that in mind.
Twisting Dive

One of the dragons will do a swooping attack across the arena in the middle. Avoid it at all costs.
This move can catch a lot of players off guard. That’s because the Twisting dive will actually trigger on the animation. It’s not when the bar fills up which is something most players are used to.
It is also important that when twisting dive is cast is that players should start moving. But, don’t move toward other players. It’s because after the dive attack it will leave small twisters on each player’s position. If you do not move or move into another player’s twister you will instantly die and knock back anyone nearby off the arena.

When you see that icon on you, like the one above the tank in the picture above, then you should move to the edge of the arena. Once that icon disappears, one of the dragons will cast Cauterize. They will make a large swooping attack on where the icon disappeared. So once that icon does disappear start running away before the dragon casts Cauterize!

This is a debuff which disappears to create a small AOE explosion on you. So remember to not be next to an ally when you have this debuff!

Doom is a debuff. When it runs out, it instantly kills you. So, you need to cleanse your doom. When you have it, you’ll see a large blue circle on the arena, this is useless. Wait for some time and it’ll turn into a small blue circle. Now that’s where you have to go on top of to cleanse your doom.
Remember, players who don’t have doom can accidentally get the blue circle. So make sure you don’t go to the blue circle unless you need to cleanse your doom!
Wrath of the Heavens – Dark Thordan Phase

At one point the boss will cast “Wrath of the Heavens” and this is where the complexity begins. It will spawn a couple of dragons and a bunch of warriors. They will go around the arena and the party needs to find the dragon with the two warriors.
The two warriors will cast a tether into two party members. Their job is to stretch the tether to the opposite of where the warriors are.
The Dragon will also cast Twisting Dive so keep that in mind.
One player will be marked for a jump. It’s a massive circular AOE attack. So, the one marked will have to move opposite of where the other party members are. They will need to make sure not to step on the tethers and the Twisting Dive.
Once the Twisting Dive animation starts, all players will start moving to avoid the small twisters and the damaged areas in the arena.

Before the animation starts two knights will drop down, and the party needs to focus on the warrior knight that appears. This will make sure that it will be safer when it comes to the next set of mechanics.
Once the two Tethers and the Twisting Dive starts, two players will get the Thunderstruck Debuff and one will get the Cauterize marker.

The one with the Cauterize marker’s job is to go directly opposite of where the Warrior knight is.
At this point, the main boss will be in the middle and cast Ascalon’s Mercy Revealed and when cast will also make the Cauterize marker disappear.
Make sure that the players that have had mechanics on them get to one side while the other players who haven’t had any mechanics go to the other side.

After that, the Warrior Knight will start casting Empty Dimension which the rest of the party needs to be inside the bubble around the Warrior Knight to survive.
Two players will be targeted with damaging puddles. One player who hasn’t had a mechanic yet will be a Hellfire target while one player who had a mechanic on him gets a bigger Flare.
The two players will have to bait the damage circles around the arena making sure it doesn’t hit any of the rest of the party. The flares will be 5 circles while the hellfire will be 4 circles.
REMEMBER the two thunderstruck players will have to be away from the rest of the party but still inside the circle around the Warrior Knight.
Death of the Heavens – Dark Thordan Phase

After the big boss casts Death of the Heavens, it will spawn in another Warrior Knight. Find where he is and he will be the relative north for reference in the rest of the mechanics.
There will be a dragon behind the knight that will be doing a Cauterize in the middle of the map. One other dragon will do Twisting Dive while another Knight will do a damaging sweep across the arena.
This will leave 2 big safe areas at the sides and 4 small safe areas on the north and south.
Randomly 4 players will get doom. The 4 players should be in position like the image above with two of them on both the big safe areas and two of them at the bottom small safe areas.
After the attacks then 4 cleansing circles will appear around the 4 non-doomed players. They’re still big circles so the party has to wait for them to get smaller.
The Warrior knight will then cast Heavy Impact and will make Earthen Wave AOE circles around the arena while it goes to the center. Dodge those carefully.

Now the Warrior will do a knockback attack called Faith Unmoving. We’ll need the doomed players to position themselves so that they’ll be knocked back into the cleansing circles like the image above.
Along with Faith Unmoving, the Big boss will also do its Gaze attacks so remember that.
Along with that, a mage will also start casting Heavensflame which will give each player either a circle, triangle, square or cross.

Now the doomed players must keep their relative positions. This is so that they can be knocked back into the cleanse circles. Meanwhile the non-doomed players must navigate to make sure they pair up with the right player with the corresponding shape much like on the picture above.
If everything is correct, when the attacks hit then the players will spread around the arena. And, the non-doomed players should be inside or relatively close to cleanse circles.

Once you’ve done that, 8 meteor Circles will appear, which is a DPS check. The best way to do this is to have one of your ranged physical DPS aim its LP2 into 3 of the Meteor Circles, instantly killing them and making the DPS check easier.
And that should be all the unique mechanics in this Dark Thordan Phase, that was a lot! So, take your time remembering them all!
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