In Final Fantasy XIV, the Monk is a melee DPS job that uses fast combo attacks with their fists and feet to hit their enemies with a lot of attacks at once. They can only be used after getting their job stone as a Pugilist at level 30 or above. In this guide, we will be giving a complete overview of How to Play one in 6.2. Let’s get started.
6.2 Monk Guide – Final Fantasy XIV
Unlocking a Monk
At level 1, every young Monk starts out as a Pugilist. So You Want to Be a Pugilist? is a quest you can get at the Pugilist Guild in Ul’Dah that will let you become a Pugilist (x9.5, y10.2).
When you finish the level 30 Pugilist class quest “Return of the Holyfist” and your MSQ is further along than the level 20 “Sylph Management” quest, you can pick up the “Brother from Another Mother” quest in Ul’Dah (x9.4, y10.2). The Monk job stone will be your reward for all of this.
First of all, you will need to know how to combine the GCDs. There are 3 levels in a total of how you can combine it.
First one:

- Bootshine
- Dragon Kick
Second One:

- True Strike
- Twin Snakes
Third One:

- Demolish
- Snap Punch
There are three ways in total how you are able to generate Chakra as a Monk in FFXIV. Meditation, Deep Meditation, and Brotherhood. All of these skills will generate your Chakra which you can turn into damage-dealing skills at the end.
Perfect Balance for Skills

This is how you want to stick with using all of the skills for maximum performance and effectiveness. When using them just right you will be dealing the most amount of damage, while also reducing their cooldowns and dealing with the fastest speed possible.
That is the most important thing that you need to know when you play as a Monk in Final Fantasy 6.2. We hope that this guide has helped you. Don’t forget, use the skills in this combination as well as knowing about the GCDs and you’ll become the best Monk. A big thank you and credit goes to Perfect Balance from YouTube. Check him out here for more details.
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