Phase 3 of the Dragonsong Reprise Ultimate will face players with Nidhogg.
We present here the guide from how the debuffs work, players’ prepositioning, soaking and avoiding his abilities.
Dragonsong Ultimate Phase 3 Guide – Final Fantasy XIV

Nidhogg phase is surprisingly short and has only one actual mechanic.
Although, the different patterns will force you to immerse every pattern possibility before actually becoming confident.
DPS check is pretty tight too, so you need to pot at one point.
Final Chorus

Nidhogg emerges and does a huge raidwide attack dealing heavy damage. His auto will cleave during the whole phase, be alert of the MT position at all time
Basic Premises

Players will drop towers in the order of their debuffs. Placement happens when the blue debuff falls off and in the order of the debuff’s number.
Here they will thus go from left to right.
The blue debuff uses the direction the player is facing the tower either on him, behind or ahead.

Quickly check for arrows to take into account the deported tower that will happen. Use debuff timer to know when to face in a particular direction.
Towers will spawn a couple of seconds after initial impact. Note that players can’t get their own towers as they got a vulnerability debuff, so someone else must soak it!

Clones of Nidhogg will spawn after the tower has been soaked. Beware that these clones will cleave in a line AOE to the closest player!

If you soak a tower, bait the clones that come after it. You can dodge it when the clone starting to glow red

Numbers will appear first. Loosely place yourself so that:
- 2 and 3 are North
- 1 are South

Left to Right Order. Try to preposition so that you already know which player from each group should positioned Left, Mid and Right.

Direction Debuffs. Shortly after, direction debuffs will appear. Arrows should always be Left or Right, adjust if necessary.

1st Jump + Share
1st Jump. 1 will be jumped on and place their tower. Face in the appropriate direction if you are arrowed – be on the circle hitbox and face so that tower positioned on the opposite player.

Share + Lash/Gnash. Simultaneously, a share happens on others. Nidhogg also casts Lash/Gnash in any order. Lash means in and Nash means out.
Then, move and preposition:
- 1 will go North
- 2 will also go back to North
- 3 will soak towers in the directions decided earlier

Gnash. If Gnash go out (Lash go in). The resolution of the 1st towers will happen exactly in between the two mechanics, so the 3 players should already be in position to soak.

2nd Jump + Clone Bait
2 Players will place their towers:
- Face in the right direction if you have arrows
- Don’t be on the group, jumps will do AOE damage
- 3 players will bait the newly spawned clones

2nd Towers + Cleave. 3 players will dodge the cleaves, move out as soon as clones shines red. Side 1 players that were on the sides will soak the 2nd towers.

2nd Towers Soak. Side 1 players soak and bait the clones out. They should get ready to go back to the north group real fast after the bait, since a 5 people stack.

3rd Jumps + Share.
Share occurs with the hope that everyone in 3 players handle their jump and face accordingly if they are arrowed on their debuffs. Be aware of Gnash/Lash cast.

2nd Cleaves + Gnash/Lash. Gnash means out. Mid “1” and “2” players preposition to get the 3rd towers. 2 players will get the sides ones (same as their previous side) and 1 will get the south one! Sprint if necessary.

3rd Towers + Lash. Lash means go in! Towers resolve inbetween casts. So the “1” players might have to sprint in order to have time to circle around Nidhogg!

3rd Clones Bait + Cleaves. Bait the clones out like the previous phase. Dodge the cleaves once they shine red.

Nidhogg casts a conal AOE aimed at a random player. Though the AOE is small know that this will kill you.

Go by pair intercard (can use the same pattern as Thordan’s). Towers will spawn, from 1 to 4 per intercardinal spot. Callout quickly 3 and 4 towers so that melees (for example) adjust quicker.

Clones and Tethers. Go to the East or West closest spot to bait out clones, be aware that one them is tethered to a player: this one won’t cleave.

Then move south and let the tanks take the tethers and spam every cooldown they have (hits really hard)!

Autos. These autos are lined AOEs. There will be a 2nd Drachenlanche, which you can just dodge.

Revenge of the Horde. This is Nidhogg final moves, Enrage. Nidhogg will channel-cast this skill and you must defeat Nidhogg before his completes his cast, or the party will be wiped.
You shouldn’t use LB3 since you will need it later on but it might be good to use it at first while progging the next phase.

This in-depth visual guide to defeat Nidghogg is provided by yukizuri. All credits due to his awesome visual approach in strategizing against Nidhogg. Check out the video below:
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