Find A Way To Open The Gate – Atomic Heart

Elijah Hernandez
2 Min Read

Obstacles upon obstacles upon obstacles upon obstacles. That pretty much describes Major Nechaev’s day while trying to survive the robotic revolution that is trying to kill him.

But hey, if you’re going to be controlling him, then that means you know exactly what you are doing, right? Well, probably not, if you’re here looking for a guide. But don’t be ashamed, we’ve all been there before, not knowing what to do and how to proceed.

If you are here to find a way to open the gate, then look no further! Here’s a guide on how to do just that.

Atomic Heart – Find A Way To Open The Gate

To open the gate, you will need to find three canisters with lunar soil in them. They’re scattered all over the place, but you can find them easily.

It’s really not that hard to find them, as the game literally shows you where they are by putting objective markers on them.

All you have to do is find them and pick them up. But just in case, here’s where you can find them.

Here’s the first one.

The second one can be found here.

After getting this one, you need to go inside the vents that are to the left.

Inside the vents, you can find the last canister here.

Once back in the room, just place them inside. The game will automatically place the canister in the correct slot.

ALSO READ: Enter The Facility – Atomic Heart

Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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