Some areas in Fortnite aren’t anything special and are not marked on the world map at all. Still, they are a very interesting landmark that can give you a very good amount of loot. The Fridgeburg is one such place that you should check out. In this guide, we will be helping you out in finding it. Let’s get started.
Fridgeburg Location | Season 4 – Fortnite

This is the location where you shall need to come in order to find the Fridgeburg on the map. It will be a little gray and dark area that can be found just on top of the Anvil Square and a little bit on the west side of the Brutal Bastion.
Getting here is very easy. You can come here walking from each side, or better yet just jump down as your first starting location if you are that type of player to play silent and sneaky peaky-like.
It will be just a house and a couple of ruined things around it. You can get actually surprisingly good amount of loot when you are here so we definitely recommend checking this place out. That’s all that you need to know about it!
We hope that this guide has helped you ut on what you need to do to be able to find the Fridgeburg in the new Season 4 of Fortnite. Have fun looking for it yourself!
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