Some areas are just made to be so fun for both the combat and the visuals. The Solitary Shrine is one such place. In this guide, we shall be showing you how you can find it in the world map as well as what you will need to take care of when you come here. Let’s get started.
Solitary Shrine Location | Season 4 – Fortnite

This is the location where you are able to find the Solitary Shrine. As you can notice from the picture above, it will be on the far north inside the winter and snowy biome of the world. You can use the Brutal Bastion map mark to be able to organize and orientate yourself better.
This is a very good location to be coming to loot. It might be one of the best starting locations since it offers so much good loot. With that being said, you will get a lot of enemy players that will be coming your way too, so be careful.
It is a big shrine that you can get from a couple of entrances. You will find a big yield of loot inside and a very big chest that is in the middle of the shrine. You can loot it first or loot everything around it.
Make sure that you are careful of the snipers around the hills covering the entrance. Other than that you will need to be carrying with your a lot of close-quarter rifles for a lot of close combat fights. That’s all that there is to it!
We hope that this guide has helped you out with what you need to do in order o find the Solitary Shrine. Have fun getting there and try not to get yourself killed!
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