Hades 2 may be in early access, but it already has a lot to offer to fans of the series. You can actually form a lot of builds in the game currently too and also unlock quite a few weapons. As you play with these weapons, you’ll begin to unlock Weapon Aspects.
However, in this guide, we’ll be looking at a tier list. In this Tier List, we’ll be examining all the Weapon Aspects that are currently in the game. After that, we’ll see which Aspects are the best ones and rank them accordingly in the Tier list. Let’s dive in!
Best Weapon Aspect Tier List
There are a total of 15 Weapons Aspects in the game currently, with 3 being unlockable for each of the 5 weapons in the game. Keep in mind that we will likely get more Weapon Aspects as the game progresses from the Early Access stage. Additionally, the developers may balance the Aspects out by nerfing or buffing them accordingly.
Before we get into the Tier List, you might want to check out our Hades 2 Regions Guide. It’ll show you what enemy types and bosses you can expect for the early access regions. With that said, here is the Best Weapon Aspect Tier List for the early access version of Hades 2.

S Tier
- Descura, the Witch’s Staff – Aspect of Momos is incredible as it provides a bonus to your special move. After that, you can spam it to deal some really high damage when you use either the Boon of Poseidon or Boon of Aphrodite. However, it’s not suitable for AoE killing.
- You can do this from both a long range and short range. Additionally, you can also get a heal making this aspect really powerful. Keep in mind that you will need to rank this aspect up so that it can get to its overpowered stage.
- For Channel Builds, Lim and Oros, Sister Blades – Aspect of Pan is incredibly useful. After you channel, you are able to cast more blades from your special. Additionally, if enemies are within your Cast, the blades will seek them allowing you to do a lot of damage.
- It does require a bit of perfect technique and may not yield the best results unless you have a Channel Build.
- You can deal some devastating damage with the Moonstone Axe – Aspect of Thanatos. With this aspect, you’ll start gaining additional Crit Chances until you are hit. So, you’re constantly gaining and losing this bonus. However, eventually it can stack up to a high 20% if you have it fully ranked up.
- In particular, if you use Psychic Whirlwind you can do other attacks during it and rack up some huge damage numbers. Just make sure to rank it up fully if you want that high bonus. We have a How To Unlock Scythe guide for this aspect too if you want it!
The Sister Blades can be incredibly powerful especially if you use them in the correct build. Check out our Sister Blades Build guide if you want to make it!
A Tier
- Umbral Flames – Aspect of Eos is surprisingly powerful given how the Weapon and other aspects disappoint. When you fire out your attack it will spread initially. Once you sprint, all the projectiles will be pulled towards you damaging enemies that it hits. The longer you wait before your sprint, the more area it’ll cover and the stronger it’ll become.
- It’ll reach maximum damage in 4 seconds, rewarding you incredibly. Really good if you’re someone who enjoys a run and hit play style.
- The Moonstone Axe – Aspect of Melinoe gives your Attacks and Special faster recovery. This is really useful as this Weapon can have slow animations which are now easier to recover from.
- On top of that, the Weapon and the move set are incredibly strong, making it a great overall Weapon Aspect.
- You can use the Moonstone Axe – Aspect of Charon in two ways. Firstly, you can use it aggressively by dropping a ranged cast on an enemy. After that, channel from a distance and use your special to detonate the cast doing a lot of damage.
- Alternatively, you can also use it in a pure Cast Build and use your special defensively. Both are solid options, especially since the Weapon is so strong.
- Argent Skull – Aspect of Persephone is a really good aspect as it enhances your special and Omega moves. You don’t necessarily have to stack up glory for these enhancements which is really convenient.
- However, if you do manage to stack up Glory, you can extend your Specials which is incredibly powerful. It works especially well with the Omega Special as you can get a shield which provides invulnerability.
The Moon Stone Axe is a really fun Weapon that you can make even better with the right build. Check out our Moon Stone Axe Build guide for more!
B Tier
- Descura, the Witch’s Staff – Aspect of Melinoe is a really good starter Weapon. The ability to channel Omega moves faster and more easily is certainly welcome.
- However, it has nothing really spectacular about it so it just remains as a fine starting aspect to have.
- You can get some great damage output with Lim and Oros, Sister Blades – Aspect of Melinoe. The weapons are also really good making it a powerful combination. However, you do have to follow some positional requirements which can be annoying.
- This means you’ll only get the additional damage if you strike enemies from behind. If you don’t strike them from behind, this aspect is completely useless.
- Argent Skull – Aspect of Medea is incredibly fun to use and can be used to nuke enemies by detonating 5 skulls at the same time. However, it can be difficult to play with because sometimes you’ll need to detonate 2 skulls and end up losing that nuke.
- As a result, it does not work well with most builds. However, this aspect deserves to be played just for the fun factor alone.
C Tier
- Descura, the Witch’s Staff – Aspect of Circe is basically the Aspect of Melinoe but with extra steps. You do get some great Magic Recovery but with extra requirements where you’ll have to land attacks and specials.
- With Aspect of Melinoe there are no such requirements. Additionally, it also doesn’t scale as well even though the Weapon is quite versatile.
- You can get a really nice bonus when you use Lim and Oros, Sister Blades – Aspect of Artemis. After you parry an attack, you can Reposte an enemy which is incredibly useful.
- However, timing is everything and it can be difficult to get the parry timing right. At the same time, you’ll also have to ensure it’s active.
- Argent Skull – Aspect of Melinoe can be used for some great damage but it has a bit of an awkward play style. With this aspect, you can fire out a skull or Shell. When you put out another Skull you get a damage bonus.
- However, the problem arises with the special as it results in you picking the skulls up, and you end up losing that bonus. The skull also has a really high base damage anyway regardless of the bonus, which makes it a bit unnecessary.
D Tier
- Umbral Flames – Aspect of Melinoe allows flames from your Omega Special to burn longer. However, this weapon is not very fun to use, especially since the special cannot interrupt enemies.
- You might be able to salvage it with extra special duration and special Spam builds. But it still makes it very frustrating to use.
- Like its predecessor, Umbral Flames – Aspect of Moros runs into much of the same problems. Umbral Flames just do not interrupt enemies with its special which means they are able to damage you during the move.
- Can be incredibly annoying to use even if you buff the special or use a specific build.
That’s everything you need to know about the Early Access Best Weapon Aspect Tier List for Hades 2. Now you know which one of these is worth trying and getting!
If you’re someone who enjoys running around while fighting, there’s even a build for that as well. You can find out more in our Best Sprint Build Guide!