Here’s our Heaven Stand Ultimate Guide & Wiki. It contains pretty much all the important points of interest that you’ll need about the game – from Stands, Locations, NPCs, essential misc. items, and more. Feel free to use the table of contents below to navigate through the guide and jump onto what you’ll need. Also, if you’d like us to add something, let us know in the comments section below.
Table of Contents – Everything You’ll Need!
- New Update Sneak Peak (December 2023)
- All Rework & Revamp Guide (December 2023)
- How To Get Guts
- How To Get Sisyphus Prime
- How to Get Cosmic Garou
- Bang Spawn Locations
- How To Get Marisa & Showcase
- Mini Hakkero Spawn Locations
- How To Get Asta & Showcase
- How To Get Sukuna
- How To Get New Yuta Spec
- How To Get Garou Reworked
- How to Get Toji
- X-Frisk Dual Knife Spawn Locations
- How to Get GOJO Guide
- How to Get Every Stand
- How to Get X-Chara
- Best Heaven Stand Tier List
- Trello Board Link

New Update Sneak Peak (December 2023)
In this new update of Heaven Stand, we are expecting some new abilities and reworks. Check out the list below to see everything that will get a rework in the update. There will be enhancements to abilities, a new icon, and even a new map revamp!
- Error Sans

- Genos Rework

- Hamon

- Killer Queen

- Mahoraga

- Katakuri

- Map Revamp

- Shadow DIO

- Skull Knight

- Toji

- Vampire

- Katakuri Icon

If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated sneak peek article for upcoming updates in December 2023 (Mahoraga, Error Sans & More)!
As we said, there is not much information out there about the new update at the current moment. However, it looks like a lot of abilities will get an update. We cannot wait to see the new update to get released!
All Rework & Revamp Guide (December 2023)
Reworked Moves
- Mouse Clicks – Smaller punches with weaker damage.
- Machine Gun Blows – Fast-releasing punches that deal damage to only one target.
- Jet Dive – Character jumps in the air and dives using an AoE attack.
- Speed Blitz Dropkick – Powerful kick that hits one target quickly.
- Flamewave Cannon – Unleashes a powerful burst of flaming energy.
- Blitz Shot – Quick shot that blitzes target.
- Gatling – Gatling gun attack that hits target in multiple succession.
- Incinerate – Full meter and low health are needed to incinerate the entire battlefield, taking out multiple targets at a time.

- Mouse clicks – Simple attacks that do smaller damage.
- Charge – Charges up your character for an attack.
- Sunlight yellow overdrive – Attacks your target with multiple blitzing punches.
- Scarlet overdrive – Attacks with a powerful punch with scarlet energy.
- Zoom punch – Similar to scarlet overdrive but punches using yellow energy.
- Sendo overdrive – Unleashes powerful wave of energy around the character to deliver damage to surrounding enemies.
- Overdrive zap – Grabs the target and then unleashes energy to push them back with powerful attacks.

- Mouse clicks – Simple attacks that releases blood-red aura.
- Barrage – Barrage of attacks that releases blood-red aura and deals damage in quick succession.
- Piercing glare – Stuns the target to leave them open to attacks.
- Space ripper stingy eyes – Unleashes eye laser toward the target.
- Blood suck – Sucks blood out of the enemy.
- Flash freeze – Unleashes a powerful frost-based attack that freezes enemy.
- Counter freeze – A counterattack that freezes enemy after countering the enemies incoming attack.

Shadow the World (Stand off)
- Mouse clicks – Simple attacks that have 20 fps animation.
- Slam – Slams a powerful attack toward the enemy.
- Roundhouse kick – Simple roundhouse kick that does big damage.
- Lazer eye – Unleashes a powerful eye laser attack similar to the Vampire’s Space ripper stingy eyes.
- Charisma – Knocks your opponent down.
- Knockdown – Knocks your opponent down with an attack.

Shadow the World (Stand on)
- XXI Combo – Stand deals combo damage to target.
- Uppercut – Simple uppercut attack.
- Heavy punch – Stand charges with a heavy punch that deals heavy damage.
- Bloodsuck – Sucks target’s HP to heal your own HP.
- Shadowstep – Steps through your target to deal damage using a cool animation.
- Time stop – Uses DIO’s animation to literally stops time to unleash free attacks on your enemy.
- Knife throw – Simple knife throw attack that deals ranged damage.
- Punishment counter – A counterattack move.

Mochi Mochi (Katakuri)
- Mouse clicks – Stabs target using trident/spear.
- Mochi gatling – Rises up in the air to release powerful gatling attacks.
- Mochi fist – A powerful punch that knocks enemy away.
- Burning mochi – A range attack that unleashes a burning strike on your target.
- Ken reversal – A counterattack move.
- Mochi barrage – Unleashes a barrage of pillars toward your target.
- Mochi buzzcut – Must have full meter and low health. A wide-sweeping attack using a tail-like appendage that takes out multiple enemies and destroys the battlefield.

Domain Reworks
- Malevolent Shrine – Unleashes a barrage of attacks covering the entire map to deal ridiculous damage for a very long time.

- Infinite Void 0.2 – Covers the map with a transparent domain that damages opponents.
- Infinite Void – Changes the entire map into a white domain that stops all of your opponent and allows you to attack them while they are stunned. They also take damage at the end of the domain.

Map Revamp
The map was also revamped slightly but it doesn’t really have any effect on the overall aspect of the game except for its aesthetics.

If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article about all reworks & revamps in December 2023.
That’s it for all of the reworks and revamps that were shown in the stress test in the new update of Heaven Stand. Hope you like the new reworks introduced in the characters!
How To Get Guts
The armor is available to find in chests, yes, it’s that easy! Each chest has 0.85% of dropping the armor, so all you have to do is to find chests and start wacking them.

The M1s without fist is a 4-hit move. With your weapon out, you will instead do four slashes with a huge windup for each slash.
For E move, you take your opponent and slam them down to the ground. With your weapon out, you’ll slash them and then do another flip for a follow-up up downward slash.

R move is a succession of four hits with the last one being a headslam with a minor delay and bigger damage. With your weapon out, you slash your opponent to bring him up to the air and then slam him back to the ground. You only deal damage with the slam.
Meanwhile T move is a powerful explosive that knocks back the opponent. With your weapon out, you pin your opponent to the ground and then deal one heavy slash down. Damage is only when you slash down.

The Y move is a wide horizontal slash and a stomp.

With the G move, you basically hold your opponent in a chokehold and then blast them with an explosion.
And finally with the H skill, you can send a shockwave up to 100m wide.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated guide on how to get Guts!

How To Get Sisyphus Prime
In order to obtain Sisyphus Prime, you’ll need to kill a boss that only spawns in every hour. This boss is Amm, and he’s quite difficult to deal with up close. You can increase your chances of success by using a long range stand instead.
Another thing to keep in mind that killing him doesn’t always mean that you’ll be getting Sisyphus Prime that easily. He only has a 40% chance of dropping the Sisyphus orb per each kill. That means you might have more than one go at him until the orb drops.

You can find or wait for Amm by the football field along with the other dummies. An appropriate place for any difficult boss fight. The fastest way to get rid of Amm is by using the Garou one shot glitch. This will only work for a regular Garou.
Do that by using either Prey’s Peril (press“E” on your keyboard) or Flowing Water Uppercut (press “Y” on your keyboard). Make sure to reset while you’re doing the animation for it to work. Once you get the orb, you can use it on a Standless to get the Sisyphus Spec.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Sisyphus Prime!

How to Get Cosmic Garou
To get Cosmic Garou, you first need to find an NPC named Bang. He has around a 15% chance to spawn every hour.
Moreover, he has specific Spawn Locations (Bang) around the map, so you’ll have to check around before you hop servers. This is the most time-consuming part of the process, as you are not guaranteed to find him every hour.
Once you get lucky enough to find him, he will give you a quest to both take and deal a total of 10,000 damage.
Upon completing the quest, he will give you an item that you can use on Garou to obtain Cosmic Garou.

As the game’s Trello is still not updated, damage numbers and cooldown for each ability will be left out to avoid any inaccuracies, though based on user-submitted content, the abilities are as follows:
- M1 – Cosmic Garou’s M1 attack features a series of punches ending in a downward slam that forces your target to the ground.
- E – Portal Smite: This ability is a quick casting damage dealer that also teleports you and your target a fair distance away.
- R – Heart Pulling: Your character grabs your target and pulls their heart out, leaving them on the ground for a few seconds.
- T – Air Cleave: A quick almost instant ranged attack that deals a small amount of damage.
- Y – Lightning Speed: This cinematic ability leaves your target suspended in the air as your character dashes around at an incredibly fast speed. It ends with a powerful punch that deals quite a lot of damage.
- G – Metal Beatdown: This is another cinematic ability that deals a decent amount of damage with a series of blows.
- H – Teleport to the Sky High: Your character throws your opponent to the sky and piledrives them to the ground below.
- J – Maximum Beam: A long-range beam that deals sustained damage over a short period of time.
- Q – Saitama Mode: This move requires 100 meter. It spends your entire meter to go into a mode with special abilities.
- Q + E – Table Flip (Saitama Mode): Your character flips the ground in front of you, dealing massive damage and knocking your target back a large distance away.
- Q + R – Omni Directional Punch (Saitama Mode): This cinematic ability launches your opponent in the air as your character dashes all around and ends the attack with a punch that deals a ton of damage.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Cosmic Garou!

Bang Spawn Locations
As of writing this, the game’s Trello has not been updated yet, but the developers have already confirmed their spawn locations in the official discord server.
You need to find Bang in order to get the reworked Cosmic Garou, and he has a 15% chance of spawning every hour. If you can’t find him, you’ll have to hop servers or just wait until you get lucky enough to find him.
Here are the possible spawn locations as confirmed by the developers:
First Spawn Location
The first location is beside this lamp post right outside of the field. There are many identical posts nearby, so just search for this specific angle where you can see one of the goals a fair distance away.

Second Spawn Location
The second location is between a pair of posts right behind one of the goals. Again, there will be identical pairs nearby, so just search for this specific angle where you can see the goal to the right.

Third Spawn Location
The third location is right beside a tree, behind where Garou hangs out. It should be hard to miss if he spawns here, as the spawn point is quite literally out in the open.

Fourth Spawn Location
The fourth and last spawn location is in front of another tree out in the open. Look for this specific spot behind some bushes.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on the Bang Spawn locations!

How To Get Marisa & Showcase

Talk to Fumo Marisa upon interaction, she will hand you over a quest which is to find the Broom, Witch Hat, and Mini Hakkero.
Now, you can get the Witch Hat and Broom by destroying boxes/crates in the game. There’s a tiny chance of them dropping by 1%, similar to Toji.
Meanwhile, you can acquire the Mini Hakkero drops by picking it up from 5 different possible spawn locations around the map. There’s a 5% chance of it spawning from the locations, on a 15-minute interval.
For more details on the Mini Hakkero, you may want to check out this guide on Mini Hakkero Spawn Locations.
Once you’ve completed the requirements, simply turn it to Fumo Marisa, and you’ll be able to use the An Ordanic Human Magician, Marisa Kirisame ability.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Masira!

Marisa Abilities
She has two sets of moves, which can be both accessed by activating her Q ability – Spell Cards.
Upon pressing this keybind, you can seamlessly switch between two distinct modes: “Magic Broom” and “Spell Card Activated”. Each mode brings about a unique moveset with enhanced abilities and visual effects.
Magic Broom
- M2/RMB – Black Hurricane: The user delivers a devastating kick to the opponent while crossing their arms, slightly knocking them away.
- Damage: 15
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- E – Broom Smack: The user mysteriously conjures a broom and slams it towards the ground, lifting nearby targets into the air.
- Damage: 10
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- R – Witch Leyline: The user summons their broom and takes flight, rushing forward at high speeds, flattening any opponents in their path.
- Damage: 10 per hit
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- T – Self-Bomb: The user plants a bomb on themselves, triggering an immediate explosion that stuns nearby targets.
- Damage: 25
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Y – Illusion Laser: The user conjures an illusion, disorienting opponents and leaving them vulnerable to a piercing jet-blue-like laser attack.
- Damage: 15
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- G – Ground Stardust Explosion: The user releases five stacked explosive sacks, which activate after a second, creating a dusty area that damages and disorients foes.
- Damage: 25
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- H – Broom Sweep: The user wields their broom and sweeps it forward, striking nearby enemies.
- Damage: 15
- Cooldown: 15 seconds

Spell Card Activated
- E+ – Star Sign: Meteoric Shower: The user forms both hands together and unleashes a relentless barrage of stars in a straight path.
- Damage: 1.5 per tick
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- R+ – Magic Sign: Stardust Reverie: The user charges their broom with stardust and accelerates forward at breakneck speeds, leaving a trail of stardust damage behind.
- Damage: 1 per tick
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- T+ – Love Sign: Master Spark: The user wields a Mini Hakkero, charging up and releasing a powerful, large-sized beam, pushing opponents away.
- Damage: 2 per tick
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- Y+ – Star Sign: Gravity Beat: The user spins their broom and slams it into the ground, manipulating gravity to strike foes wherever the cursor is aimed.
- Damage: 15
- Cooldown: 25 seconds
- G+ – Perversion Final: Master Spark: The user channels their energy into a Kamehameha-like blast that requires time to charge and unleash.
- Damage: 2 per tick
- Cooldown: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
- Requires user to have 100 HP or below to activate this skill.
- H – Ritual Sign: Orreries Sun: The user summons four small planets that shoot laser projectiles briefly before unleashing a powerful laser assault on opponents.
- Damage: 1.5 per tick (1) | 2 per tick (2)
- Cooldown: 35 seconds

Mini Hakkero Spawn Locations
The Mini Hakkero is one of the 3 materials required in order to acquire Marisa, aka An Ordinary Human Magician.
But don’t let her name fool you as she’s easily one of the most broken characters in the game at the moment. Now, I’ll show you all the possible spawn locations for this item.
As for the Mini Hakkero, you’ll be able to pick them up from different possible spawn locations around the map. They will spawn once every 15 minutes, at a rate of 5%.
With that said, you’d want to do this on servers without many players as you’ll have a hard time acquiring one when competing with others.
Spawn Location #1

Spawn Location #2

Spawn Location #3

Spawn Location #4

Spawn Location #5

If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on all the Mini Hakkero spawn locations!

How To Get Asta & Showcase
In order to get Asta, you’ll have to go around the map smashing crates. And from this, there’s a 0.5% chance of obtaining the Demon-Slayer from those crates.
You’ll then need to use the Demon-Slayer on Standless to unlock the reworked Asta, aka “The One Without Magic, Asta.”
If you’ve grinded for Toji before, then you’ll know how painful it was considering they have the same drop rate. So, get a good sleep for the grind, hope for all the luck you can get and wreak havoc to all the crates you see.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Asta!
That’s pretty much it! Now, moving on to Asta’s abilities.

Reworked Asta Abilities & Moveset
It has two sets of moves, Anti-Magic and Demonic Form, which can be done by using one of his abilities from the Anti-Magic mode. To explain them better, I’ll discuss all the abilities in-detail below.
Anti-Magic Mode
- E – Black Hurricane: The user briefly holds back, then rapidly spins at incredible speeds while advancing forward.
- Damage: 1 per hit
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- R – One-Horn Bull Thrust: The user points their Demon-Slayer blade forward, piercing through the opponent and knocking them away.
- Damage: 15
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- T – Rapid Black Slashes: The user points their Dragon-Slayer blade forward, unleashing a rapid barrage of slashes at an average speed.
- Damage: 10 per hit
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Y – Heartbeat Backstab: The user leans downward, thrusting the Demon-Slayer blade into the opponent’s vital organ, slamming them down behind.
- Damage: 25
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- G – Dragonal Rush: The user puts both melees on each side, then sprints forward at tremendous speeds, attempting a direct hit; if successful, slashes through the opponent’s torso.
- Damage: 5 + 15
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- H – Demonic Transformation: In a dire moment, the user loses consciousness as their determined spirit awakens, taking on a new appearance with an enhanced moveset.
- This move remains active indefinitely until death.

Demonic Form
- T – Rapid-Dark Demonic Slashes: The user points their Dragon-Slayer blade forward, unleashing multiple slashes at incredible speeds.
- Damage: 15 per hit
- Cooldown: 20 seconds
- Y – Black Meteorite: A visually satisfying and high-damage dealing move from a DBZ fight.
- Damage: 15 + 50 + 50
- Cooldown: 1 minute 30 seconds
- G – Two-Horn Bull Thrust: The user gets in a fighting stance, leaping forward at astonishing speeds, attempting a direct hit. A successful hit sends out a heavy slash that majorly knocks the opponent away.
- Damage: 5 + 35
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- H – Demonic Slamdunking: Lebrooon Jamessss! The user gets in a fighting stance, leaping forward at extremely high speeds. A successful hit allows them to slam the opponent’s head through the ground.
- Damage: 5 + 25
- Cooldown: 15 seconds

How To Get Sukuna
There will be two sections in this guide. The first one will focus on the unlock requirement of Sukuna, and the second one will focus on his abilities, which are essentially an upgraded and more brutal version of Itadori’s abilities.
Unlock Requirements
So, the first thing that you need to do is to get Itadori’s abilities from Gojo. The NPC is found in the location shown in the image below.
Once you have the quest, you will need to defeat enemies for a chance at obtaining Sukuna’s Finger.
There is only a 3% Drop Chance per finger, so it is likely that you will be grinding for a long time. We recommend teaming up with different players who have the same goal so you can find the fingers quickly.
After farming all the fingers, you will need to hand them over to Gojo one at a time, and this will allow you to get Sukuna’s abilities.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Sukuna!

Ability Showcase
Since this quest allows you to get both Itadori and Sukuna, there are two different sets of abilities.
Itadori’s abilities include Black Flash, Air Slam, Divergent Fist, and Beserk Grab. Saving the best for last we have the Cranium Impact which is the move Itadori uses on Mahito.

Next, we have Sukuna’s abilities which are quite powerful. This is expected from the King of Curses.
The first one is Cleave which allows you to unleash an area-wide attack. This has a special animation if you kill a Gojo with it. The avid manga readers will be quite familiar with this so we will avoid spoilers.

Next is the Shadow Step, which essentially allows you to immobilize the enemy by slamming them into the ground.

The next move is Beserk Beatdown in which Sukuna will drag the opponent into the ground and then toss them into the air.
This will be concluded with a slam attack on the enemy that will send them flying into the ground.

Next up is the Flame Arrow move in which Sukuna will light up enemies in a small radius around in using a ball of fire as shown in the image below.

The penultimate move is Cleave Grab which is an advanced version of Beserk Grab. This allows Sukuna to unleash his slashes on an enemy in a close radius.

To finish the moveset off, we have Sukuna’s signature move, which is his Domain Expansion. This is known as Malevonent Shrine and unleashes the slash attack over a large radius, dealing massive damage.

How To Get New Yuta Spec
Getting the new Yuta Spec is not the most difficult thing you are going to need to do in Heaven Stand.
The first thing you should do is talk with Yuta and take his quest. To complete this quest, all you need to do is get two items in total. These are:
- Promise Ring
- Cursed Katana

In order to obtain the Promise Ring, you are going to need to kill as many players as you can. The ring has a 1.5% chance of appearing in your inventory as you defeat other players.
Therefore, you will need to spend some time battling with others until you see the Promise Ring in your inventory.
You can ask your friends to help you with this one. Or, you can talk with other players who want to get the Yuta Spec and offer to help each other.

The second item you will need to get is the Katana. Luckily, all you need to do to get the Katana is have 200K in total.
After you collect enough money to purchase it, get it and go back to Yuta. Then, he will teach you the technique.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get the Yuta Spec!

Yuta Skills
- Summon Rika
- Grab Slam
- Reverse Cursed Technique
- Cursed Speech
- Flash Step
- Kick Slash
- Upper Slash
- Love Beam (under 35 HP)

How To Get Garou Reworked
In order to get Garou reworked in Heaven Stand, all you need to do is go and talk to Garou and take his quest. However, you should have at least 50 kills before you can do that.
After making sure that you have it, you can go and interact with him.

Getting 50 kills is the easy part of what you will need to do to get Garou reworked. Once you take his quest, you will need to deal 5000 damage and take 5000 damage to be able to complete the task.
It will definitely take you some time to complete this task, but you can come back and talk with Garou again once you clear the objectives.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Garou Reworked!

Garou Reworked Skills
- Prey’s Peril: A slow attack but does a lot of damage if you use it correctly.
- Hunter’s Kick: Relatively faster attack that makes you stomp the ground and shoot up a chunk. You can aim this to hit another player and start a combo.
- Lethal Whirlwind Stream: Does great damage if landed. You can either use it to start a combo or extend it.
- Flowing Water Uppercut: Similar to Prey’s Peril move but deals more damage.
- Flowing Water: Makes your character move forward pretty fast and deals a lot of damage.
- Water Stream Rock Smashing: Fastest starting-up move, a great move to start combos.

How to Get Toji
In order to get Toji, you must begin by locating Toji himself. He can be found chilling under a tree in the main plaza. Engage in conversation with him to initiate his quest.
Then, Toji will task you with collecting three specific items: the Inverted Spear of Heaven, the Split Soul Katana, and the Chain of a Thousand Miles. The catch? You won’t find these items lying around; they are hidden in chests scattered throughout the map.
Patience is key here, as the drop rates for these items can be challenging. Reports vary, with drop rates ranging from 0.5% to 15%. Some dedicated players have spent over six hours searching for these items. So, keep opening chests until you collect all three items.
Once you have obtained all three items, return to Toji to complete his quest. Your success in this will largely depend on your luck. But for those who’re willing to go under the work, the Toji spec offers a remarkable set of abilities.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Toji!

Toji Abilities List
Aside from the usual dashing and slashing, Toji brings a unique set of abilities to the table, making him a good addition to your attack/skill set:
- Domain Breaker: Unleash a short-range flurry attack in an area around you.
- Long Range Grab: Dash towards an enemy and pierce them with your weapon, following up with a swift kick that sends them sprawling.
- Slam Dunk: Jump to the air, transforming into a deadly energy ball that crashes down upon your enemies, wreaking havoc.
- Chain Attack: Swing a chain wildly around yourself, slicing through anyone unfortunate enough to be within its reach—a personal favorite for crowd control.
- Cross Slash: Deliver a devastating single-target attack that deals substantial damage, making quick work of your enemies.
X-Frisk Dual Knife Spawn Locations
There is only a 1% chance of the Dual Knife spawning every 30 minutes in the game. Also, it can spawn at any one of the locations shown in this guide. Hence, it is very likely that you will have to spend a lot of time looking at all the possible spawns.
First Location
The knife may spawn in this location shown in the image below. You can use the Lamp Post and the tree to the left to pinpoint the exact spot. Keep in mind that the knife can appear anywhere along this path, so be sure to explore the area thoroughly.

Second Location
The knife may also spawn in this location shown in the image below. It can be found near the tree, which is right beside where the Toji NPC is. Look around in the tree’s shade for the knife.

Third Location
Next, the knife may also spawn in this location highlighted in the image shown below. Try to look for that Pink NPC in the image. The knife should spawn across the road that the character is seen crossing.

Fourth Location
Moreover, the knife may also spawn in this location: to the left of the training NPCs as shown in the image below. Simply walk along this path to look for the knife’s exact spot.

Fifth Location
The next location of the knife is on the pathway that surrounds the park. Look for the tree and the lamp post at the corner of the park. The knife will spawn somewhere along this pathway, so keep looking for it.

Sixth Location
Lastly, the knife may also spawn under the shadow of the tree as shown in the image below. There is also a lamp post under this shadow that should make it slightly easier to identify this location.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on all X-Frisk Dual Knife spawn locations!

How to Get GOJO Guide
The first step is to obtain Gojo’s Blindfold, which has a 10% chance of spawning randomly over the map every 40 minutes. So, you will basically need to run around the map and try to find the blindfold like that. But at least, there are some specific places you can find Gojo’s Blindfold.
Spawn Area 1:

Spawn Area 2:

Spawn Area 3:

Spawn Area 4:

Spawn Area 5:

Going back and forth to find this blindfold might take a long time, but you will eventually find it in one of these locations.

Once you finally found it, go to the Ability Storage NPC and use it on Standless.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get Gojo!

How to Use GOJO Abilities
Now that you finally get the Gojo, let’s take a look at how to use the abilities and see whether it was worth your time or not.
- Press E to activate Beatdown.

- Press R for Aerial Kick.

- Press T for Lapse Blue.

- Use the key G for Hollow Purple.

- Use H for Infinity Blast.

- Press E for Punch Combo.

- Use T to activate Max Lapse Blue.

- Press Y to use Max Reversal.

- Last but not least, press G to create a Domain Expansion.

How to Get Every Stand
We’ll be going through all of the Stands and Specs in the game that you can obtain through gameplay. Most of these can be obtained either from buying in the store or getting them from boss drops so get ready to either grind for drops or for money!

- Star Platinum – Normal Arrow from the Shop or from crates or boss drops.
- Star Platinum: The World – Normal Arrow from the Shop or from crates or boss drops.
- King Crimson – Normal Arrow from the Shop or from crates or boss drops.
- Crazy Diamond – Normal Arrow from the Shop or from crates or boss drops.
- Killer Queen – Normal Arrow from the Shop or from crates or boss drops.
- Tusk Act 4 – Mysterious Arrow from the shop or from boss drops.
- Gold Expansion Requiem – Mysterious Arrow from the shop or from boss drops.
- The World: Alternate Universe – Get Eye of the Saint’s Corpse from crates and use it on Standless.
- Shadow: The World – Get Stone Mask from crates or boss drops and use on Standless to get Vampire, then use Arrow.
- The World – Use Dio Technics on Shadow: The World. You can get Dio Technics from killing the Dio boss that spawns every 30 minutes. The drop rate for the Dio Technics is 10%.
- Whitesnake – Get a Requiem Arrow from boss drops and use on Standless.
- C-Moon – Get a Green Baby that spawns randomly in the map after 36 players have died. After getting the Green Baby, use it on Whitesnake.
- Made In Heaven – Mysterious Arrow from the shop or from boss drops.
- Weather Report – Get a Requiem Arrow from boss drops and use on Standless.

- Standless – Your starting stand. You can also use a Rokakaka obtained from crates, boss drops or the shop to go back to Standless.
- Hamon – Get a Hamon Technics by either from the shop or boss drops. Use on Standless.
- Vampire – Get a Stone Mask from crates or boss drops. Use on Standless.
- Genos – Bought from the Genos Merchant near the Spawn close to the shop for $100k.
- Garou – Get Garou’s Photo from the Garou Boss and use it on Standless. The boss spawns every 40 minutes.
- Cosmic Garou – Enter the Cosmic Portal and talk to the NPC inside. The Portal has a rare chance to spawn after 30 minutes.
- Minos Prime – Get the Torch near the Fumo Easter Egg that spawns every 40 minutes. Then go to the Waterfall and spawn Minos Prime and defeat him for a chance to drop the item.
- Gojo – Get Gojo’s Blindfold that has a 10% chance to spawn around the map every 40 minutes. Use on Standless.
- Inouske – Bought from the Inouske NPC near Dio’s spawn location in the forest. Sold for $200k.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get all the Stands!
How to Get X-Chara
You get X-Chara when you use the X-soul on standless mode. What you need to do is grind for the X-soul. The method to get an X-soul is by killing or resetting another player. They will then drop an X-soul, with the chance of 1% (up from the previous 0.15%).

Now after getting the X-soul and use it on Standless, you’ll be able to launch several cool moves. It’s truly allowing you to spam your knife moves to the max.
You can use M1, E (I am the X-Event), R (X! Stab), T (X! Blaster), Y (X! Bone Field), G (X! Knife), and H (X! Slash). There are also several modes you can use.

To use this on Awaken mode, you need 50 or lower HP and U. Your blade will glow, and you can still use your other moves but with enhanced damage and obviously, cool effect. You can also use Overwrite moves, such as G (Overwrite Slam), Teleport, T (Summon Friend), and Y (Sword Dance).
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on how to get the X-Chara!

Best Heaven Stand Tier List

S Tier
- The World: Alternate Universe: This can be obtained upon using a “Eye of The Saint’s Corpse” on Standless with a guaranteed chance of obtaining. This stand provides you with abilities that can deal good damage to your opponents, which is definitely worth having.
- Tusk Act 4: This can be obtained upon using a Mystery Arrow on Standless with a chance of obtaining. This stand provides you with lots of crowd control abilities as well as decent damage for you to fight all of your opponents.

A Tier
- Made In Heaven: You can obtain this stand for a 50% chance from Mystery Arrow. This stand gives you quick movements that can confuse your enemies. As long as you know how to utilize both your long range and short range abilities, you will be able to fight just fine.
- C-Moon: In order to get this stand, you’ll want to use use green baby on the without stand state. Different from Made In Heaven, this stand focuses on heavy attacks that may be slower, but deals much more damage on impact.
- Whitesnake: You can can get Whitesnake by using req arrow on standless. If you are someone who loves to fight at close range, then definitely get this stand. Even though you may have less crowd control, your damage potential at short range is really great.
- King Crimson: This stand can be obtained by using Arrow on Standless with a chance of obtaining. This class has abilities that can stun and stagger your opponents at short range. Along with that, you can also enhance yourself to deal more damage as you land your attacks on your enemies.
B Tier
- Gold Experience: The stand can be obtained by using Arrow on Standless with a chance of obtaining. This class is really decent for you to use at close range with lots of crowd control abilities. There is also another ability that lets you self-heal in battle, which is a way for you to stay consistent.
- Crazy Diamond: Just like Gold Experience, this class also has a Restoration Mode ability which you can use to fight your opponents. The abilities have lots of crowd control that knocks your opponent further away, so it can be quite difficult for you to use the right way.
- Star Platinum: The World: This stand can be obtained by using Arrow on Standless with a chance of obtaining. The class has a time stop ability along with rapid punches to give you an edge over your opponents. As long as you know how to use the moves, you’ll be able to fight just fine!

C Tier
- Shadow The World: This ability can be obtained by using Arrow on Vampire. Most of your abilities focus on dealing damage, so use it to your advantage. However, there is a lack of crowd control abilities, which means that you’ll want to pay close attention to your opponents in order to catch them.
- Star Platinum: The stand can be obtained by using Arrow on Standless with a chance of obtaining. Most of your abilities knock your opponents backwards. This means that it can be difficult for you to maintain the close distance between you and your opponent.
D Tier
- Vampire: The stand can be obtained by using Stone Mask on Standless. The cool thing about this stand is that you can have a freeze ability that locks your opponents in one place. Along with that, you can also drain health from them with your final ability.
- Hamon: The class can be obtained upon using Hamon Techniques on Standless. This stand provides you with basic abilities to help you learn the game as you start progressing. With abilities that focus on damage, you’ll want to learn how to land your abilities with the lack of crowd control skills.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article for the Best Stands Tier List!
Trello Board Link
Unfortunately, as of writing this, the game’s new official Trello board has been set to private and is currently considered to be a work in progress.
Though despite this, updates are still shared in the game’s Discord server. Those who wish to check an old version of the Trello board may also access it by clicking here: Heaven Stand Old Trello Board.
Though be warned that this board is outdated and may not have the most recent additions/reworks.

Although the old Trello board is no longer being worked on, it still contains information on a lot of the abilities in the game, as well as most of the quests and currently unobtainable content.
The official Discord server, on the other hand, has a channel dedicated to sharing the latest patch notes and leaks on upcoming content. There, you can also trade with other players or ask questions about the game itself.
If you want to read more about the topic in Heaven Stand, make sure to check out our dedicated article on the Trello Board Link!

That sums it up for our Heaven Stand Wiki – Ultimate Guide. We understand that we may miss out on some of the information here, but we’ll make sure to update and complete everything you’ll need to the game.
I’d like to give credit to our awesome community-based Trello site, especially Sokolo and Donic for providing us with this highly valuable information.

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