The Divination Commission is one of the six regions in Honkai: Star Rail that players can find in Xianzhou Loufu. In this region, players can gather rewards from up to 25 chests. These rewards are materials, exp, and credits, all of which will contribute greatly to your progress.
To help you find all the chests, we’ve put up a detailed guide to assist you find all of them in the Divination Commission region. This guide will include the locations of the chests, and how you can solve the puzzles to get them.
Divination Commission All Chest Locations & Warp Trotters Locations
Divination Commission F1 Chest Locations
See all the image down below to know the chests locations in Divination Commission 1F.

Divination Commission F2 Chest Locations
See all the image down below to know the chests locations in Divination Commission 2F.

Divination Commission All Chest, Warp Trotter Locations Walkthrough
In the next section, we will guide you through how you can obtain each and every single chest of this region.
Chest 1
In order to find the very first chest in the Divination Commission region, go to this location. It is a puzzle located at the bottom of the minimap, with a puzzle symbol. This is a Navigation Compass Puzzle, which will give you some rewards on completion.

In this Navigation Compass Puzzle, you will need to turn the compass to align the inner and outer rings of the Axis in the same direction. You will want to keep rotating and trying different combinations. Your final result should be a straight line pointing towards your left.

As you complete the puzzle, a delivery ship will fly by and bring the reward chest to you. Walk to the chest which will spawn to your right and obtain your rewards. For completing this puzzle, you will be rewarded 1 Thief’s Steel Grappling Hook.

Chest 2
If you head north from the first location, you will find the next Puzzle. This one is also a Navigation Compass Puzzle with the same rules applied.

In order to solve this one puzzle, turn the compass to align the inner and outer rings of the Celestial Axis. See the image down below for answers. Then, walk to your left and obtain your Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 3
To get the third chest, go to the location in the minimap. The chest is located on the South West area of the map.

When you arrive at the location, keep walking straight until you find a Basic Treasure Chest lying at the end of the path.

Chest 4
Similarly, go to the location that’s to the right of the same area and you will be able to find your fourth chest.

When you have arrived at the location, you will be able to see a Basic Treasure Chest lying next to the Fragmentum Monster. You can choose to fight it and obtain the chest after. Another option for you is simply walk to the side to prevent combat with it and pick up the chest.

Chest 5
In order to obtain your fifth chest, go to the puzzle located next to the Warp Trotter. This puzzle is located to the left of the F2 Map and has a puzzle symbol. See the image down below for the exact location.

When you get there, you will encounter a Hexanexus Puzzle. In this Puzzle, you will be required to align the pieces to their desired position in order to unlock the cube. Choose “Investigate” to start the Puzzle.

Take a look at the image down below to see how to solve the puzzle. You will need to move the real piece of block to the location we marked for you to the opposite side. On completion of the Puzzle, open the Treasure Chest and you will obtain 1 Thief’s Gloves With Prints.

Chest 6
The sixth chest in the Divination Commission region is located near the Puzzle, see the map down below for the exact place.

When you arrive at the location, you will be able to notice a chest sitting at the end of a small pathway located to your right.

Chest 7
The seventh chest is located to the top left hand side of the map.

When you get to the location, you will be able to see a Basic Treasure Chest lying to the right of your character.

Chest 8
In order to obtain the eighth chest, go to the location marked in the minimap down below. It is located to the right of the Puzzle Icon.

When you’ve got yourself at the location, look to your left and you will be able to find a Treasure Chest lying next to a big entrance.

Chest 9
The ninth chest in the Divination Commission region is a Courier Cyrane Puzzle. In this Puzzle, you will need to Escort The Courier Cyrane to the delivery spot. While you follow the Courier Cyrane, you can encounter a number of enemies that you need to defeat.

Having enemies standing in your way isn’t necessarily a bad thing as you earn rewards after winning against them.

The Courier Cyrane will reward you with a Bountiful Treasure Chest to express its gratitude. Pick up the chest and obtain those rewards!

Chest 10
In order to obtain the 10th chest, go to the location marked in the minimap down below.

When you’ve arrived at the location, keep going to the North East direction until you find your Treasure Chest.

Chest 11
For the next chest, you will want to talk to a Courier Cycrane, go to the location marked down below.

This Courier Cycrane is different from the previous one because it does not give you an escort task immediately. Instead, you will need to Repair it by interacting with it to start the Abacus Circuitry Puzzle.

When you interact with the Repair Option, the Abacus Circuitry Puzzle will pop up. In order to solve it, you will need to move the computing modules to the position shown on the panel. We’ve prepared the correct puzzle answer in the image down below. Half of the panel will go clockwise and the other half will go counter-clockwise so try all the options.

After the Crane is fixed, follow it to do the escort task. Follow it until the end to obtain your Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 12
In order to obtain the twelfth chest, go to the Navigation Compass Puzzle located to the top right of the F2 map. See the image down below for the exact location.

In this Navigation Compass Puzzle, you will need to turn the compass to align the inner and outer rings of the Axis in the same direction. You will want to keep rotating and trying different combinations. Your final result should be a straight line pointing towards your left.

After that, a treasure chest will be delivered to your location. Pick up the rewards!
Chest 13
To the South East of the 12th Chest Puzzle is the location of the thirteenth chest. You will need to do a Navigation Compass Puzzle to obtain your rewards.

Align the Axis so that you have a blue line pointing towards the left. On completion of the Puzzle, you will be able to obtain 1 Musketeer’s Rivets Riding Boots from the Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 14
From the location in which you found your thirteenth chest, head north west to get to the location we marked in the map down below.

When you’ve arrived at the location, pay attention to the left of your character because that is where the chest is located.

Chest 15
After obtaining the 14th chest which is the last Chest in the F2 Area, you will want to swap to the F1 Area to find the 15th Chest. This chest is located to the right side of the map as you can see in the image down below.

In order to solve this puzzle, move the cubes so that four of them fill the top of the bigger cube. You can do this by rotating the blocks and aligning them in lines. On completion of this puzzle, you will be given 1 Musketeer’s Wild Wheat Feit Hat from the Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 16
The second chest in the F2 Area of Divination Commision in Honkai: Star Rail is located to the very top of the map, to the right side (see the minimap down below). This is a Hexanexus Puzzle which you need to solve in order to obtain rewards.

In order to solve this puzzle, move the cubes so that four of them fill the bottom of the bigger cube. You can do this by rotating the blocks and aligning them in lines. On completion of this puzzle, you will be given 1 Thief’s Steel Grappling Hook from the Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 17
The seventh chest in the Divination Commission region is a Formidable Foe Challenge. For this chest, you will need to defeat formidable foes to obtain the Treasure Chest.

After you defeat your enemies, a Precious Treasure Chest will appear. Open up the chest and obtain those good rewards!

Chest 18
In order to obtain the 18th chest, go to the location marked in the map down below. It is located in the middle, a little bit to the bottom left of the map.

When you arrive at the location, keep walking South West until you see a chest that is located to your left.

Chest 19
In order to obtain the next chest in the region, go to the South West corner of the map.

When you get there, you will be able to spot a Bountiful Treasure Chest lying in the middle of the way. It is quite easy to spot so you shouldn’t have any problems.

Chest 20
In order to obtain the next chest, you will need to complete a Hexanexus Puzzle. From the place you obtained your 19th chest, head north and you can get to the puzzle.

Move the cubes so that four of them fill the bottom of the bigger cube. You can do this by rotating the blocks and aligning them in lines. On completion of this puzzle, you can obtain a Bountiful Treasure Chest.

Chest 21
The next chest in the region is a Formidable Foe Challenge which you need to complete. Simply defeat the formidable foe to obtain your Treasure Rewards.

Chest 22
The next chest in the region is also a Formidable Foe Challenge. In order to obtain your rewards, start combat with your Formidable Foe and achieve victory.

After winning, you can collect your chest which will give you 1 Thief’s Meteor Boots, as well as other rewards.

Chest 23
In order to obtain the next chest, you will need to complete an Abacus Circuitry Puzzle. Stay tuned, we will give you some instructions on how you can solve this puzzle.

For the first step, you will want to move the computing modules to the location just like the image down below.

Next, rotate the two modules in a counter-clockwise direction and you will be able to complete your puzzle. After that, a chest will appear for you to obtain your rewards.

In order to get the chest that has just spawned. You want to take the teleportation portal to go to the other side. When the traveling process is finished, keep walking forward until you see a Bountiful Treasure Chest located to the left on your screen.

Chest 24
In order to get the 24th chest in Divination Commission, you will need to go to a location called Mutare Magnus. The precise location has been marked in the map down below. The 24th and the 25th chest can be obtained after completing the three Magnus Puzzles.

You can start this quest and start solving puzzles by talking to Huixing. When you start a conversation with her, choose the “Routine Divination” chat option to start your quest.

After that, you will be teleported to a new area. You will want to keep walking forward in order to start the puzzle. Interact by choosing “Activate base terminal”

On completion of the puzzle, talk to Huixing again. After that, a Treasure Chest will spawn which you can obtain for some rewards.

Chest 25
In order to obtain chest 25th, come back the following day. The twenty-fifth chest is an additional reward chest you can obtain the following days after finishing the Puzzle. After waiting for a few days, come back to the same area and you will be able to get the last chest in this region.
Warp Trotter
In order to find the only Warp Trotter in this region, go to the area next to the puzzle icon located to the left of the minimap.

When you get there, you should be able to see a Warp Trotter standing out in the open. It should be very easy to spot. Next, you need to interact with it to start Combat and obtain your rewards.

This region is big, so make sure to follow this detailed guide to be able to find all of the chests and loots easily.
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