When you think of buying a game, you always have to ask yourself some questions. Is this game fun? Is there multiplayer? Is there New Game+? Will it be continued to be supported post-launch? There are a lot of important questions to be asked, but none more than “how long is the game?”.
If you’re going to be spending money on a game, you generally tend to make sure how long the game is, and if you can handle that much time playing a game. For today, we answer the question of how long is Contraband Police.
Contraband Police – How Long Is The Game?

Contraband Police have a simple premise: you are a trainee assigned to work at a border post.
You will be verifying and inspecting every person and their vehicle that comes through to check if they are legit or not. If they are, they can continue on. If not, then they will be apprehended and taken into custody. That is basically what you do in the whole game.
But how long does the game do that for? Will you be doing that the entire game for as long as you want, or will there be an ending? Well, according to a developer, that will change soon.

When asked if the game will be endless or if it will have a predefined end, a developer from the Crazy Rocks dev team responded with this.
“Basic mode has 30 days at the border and predefined events. We plan to add update with Inspection endless mode in the future.”
Not much else is said about the potential new mode, as the developer stated that they are still figuring out details.
This is the official confirmation that Contraband Police’s current state only has a Basic mode that you can play for only 30 in-game days. But, this also confirms that the dev team is working on an update that allows players to continue playing past the 30-day mark.
Huge thanks to the Crazy Rocks development team for confirming this.
If you want to check out the Steam post where the confirmation came from, then you can do that by clicking on the link here that will take you to the post: Will the game be endless?
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