
How Much Money Does It Cost to Get To Trailblaze Level 60 in Honkai Star Rail?

Where did my money go?

In Honkai Star Rail, Trailblaze Level is needed to unlock certain story quests and it also unlocks the level cap to your character. You can level up to 60 starting from scratch in just under a month. If you’re looking to cheat your way with money to level up quickly or just want to know how much it would cost, then this guide is for you!

How much money does it cost?

TLDR; the equivalent total Stellar Jades is 27,760 or 160-174 pulls. In real life currency, this equivalent would total 250-350 US Dollars. If you are looking for more detailed explanation on why it costs that much, make sure to check the other sections of the article:

Replenishing Trailblaze Power using Stellar Jades

You can use Stellar Jades to replenish your trailblaze power. This can be done to clear calyxes, stagnant shadow, echoes of war and cavern of corrosion to gain exp.

Trailblaze Power can be regenerated 8 times daily with Stellar Jade, they can replenish 60 power starting at 50 Stellar Jades and increasing with each purchase. The total Stellar Jade cost everyday is 900.

Refreshing Power by Stellar Jades

We multiply this to 27(the minimum days to reach level 60), which would equal to 24,300 Jades or 152 pulls.

Refreshing Power by Stellar Jades

Replenishing Trailblaze Power using Fuel

Fuel is another resource in Honkai Star Rail to replenish your Trailblaze Power. You can replenish 60 Trailblaze Power for every fuel you consume.

This resource can be earned either by levelling up or by buying it from the store in Herta Contract: Fuel Refill which comes out weekly, costing 240 Stellar Jades or 1200 Stellar Jades or 7.5 pulls weekly.

Fuel in Honkai Star Rail

Fuel can also be obtained when buying Nameless Glory, this is equivalent to 2260 Stellar Jades or 14 pulls.

Nameless Glory in Honkai Star Rail

Total Equivalent Honkai Star Rail

ALSO READ: Honkai Star Rail – How to Get Trailblaze Level


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