Lost Ark: All Yudia Vista Locations

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

The Lost Ark is filled with beautiful places and sceneries to see. There are multiple regions that you can explore, each with its own unique environment. Vistas can help you observe the beautiful sceneries in each region and this guide will show you all the Vistas in Yudia.

Yudia Vista Locations – Lost Ark

There are a total of 3 Vistas you can unlock in the Yudia Region.

  • The very first Vista in the region is the Salt Works in Saland Hill. Go to the area near Salt Works and you should see a small house with sacks and wooden crates. Head north to the wooden fence to activate the Vista.
  • Next, go to the Aregal Salt Plains near the Nomad Camp. Take a look around on the rock surrounded by crystals at the center of the plain and you will activate the Nomad Camp Vista.

This vista showcases the Nomad Camp, giving you an overhead view of the camp.

  • The last Vista in Yudia region is on Ozhorn Hill. You can find it on the northernmost part of the map, near the Merchant camp. Take a look near the wooden cart filled with crates and barrels to activate the Blood-Soaked Salt Road Vista.

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Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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