
Lost Ark: Comparison Of Honing Costs Before & After Honing Buff

The grind just got a little lighter!

Lost Ark Comparison Of Honing Costs Before & After Honing Buff

Sometimes people want to save time and resources in their games, to do so they try to make charts and excel spreadsheets to see the most optimal way of doing things. Now for some, they may say that the quickest way to ruin a game’s fun is to optimize the fun out of it. This may be true for most people, but there are people out there who just love this kind of stuff and often go out of their way to try and find the most optimal way in doing things. Sometimes it’s just for themselves but more often times it helps the whole community out. In this guide, we’ll show you the comparison of honing costs before and after the honing buff.

Comparison Of Honing Costs Before & After Honing Buff In Lost Ark

Lost Ark has recently had a buff in honing rates. Honing is the process of upgrading your gear in the game, from weapons to armor, doing so will make your gear significantly better than the original base gear. Like in most other old school MMOs, especially eastern MMOs, the way to do this is through random chance. You give resources to have a chance of increasing your gear’s stats, sometimes it succeeds most times it fails.

Well with the recent buff in honing through the entire game, Lost Ark players are now wondering how big is the buff actually? Well, a reddit user by the name of omark96 made a neat picture showing the comparison of the material costs before and after the global honing buff.

This is the one before the global honing buff:

Source: Comparison of honing costs

And this is the one after the global honing buff:

Source: Comparison of honing costs

As you can see there’s a drastic decrease in overall materials needed to hone gear, to the cheer of the Lost Ark players. I can’t blame them; we’ve seen videos of popular players like Asmongold spending hours and millions of resources in trying to hone their gear and we’re sure there will still be videos like those, but at least there’s going to be less frustration for the general player base.

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