Saydon Gate is what some players will compare to burning in agony and hell. It is one of the most difficult stages out there that desires attention and big teamwork. In this guide, we try to give you the most amount of details and help you to defeat him and pass Gate 3. Let’s get started.
Kakul Saydon Gate 3 Easy Guide – Lost Ark
This raid is not yet released in North America West, but it will be live soon. There are specific types of patterns in this boss that you’ll need to know before it starts.
Good recommendations to take with you before starting the raid will be:
- Whirling Grenade
- Panacea
- Time Stop Potion
- Sacred Bomb (Bound)

All of these items mentioned above will help you drastically with removing the burning damage effect that this boss can do. You can also remove the fear debuff that you’ll get or a player in your team will get and finally it will help with neutralizing Saydon.
Mario Games
The first thing that you’ll see happen in this boss is the Mario Games. There will be a total of 4 Mario Games and they will happen at HP x152, x125, x79, x52. Each player must do 1 Mario Game and can enter only once. To enter you’ll need to max up your gauge and turn into Clown Mode.

You can increase your gauge by getting hit by Saydon, the towers, or the flamethrower. Keep in mind that you can only be in Clown mode for 15 seconds. So time it properly and do not rush it.
To get into the portal you’ll wait for Saydon to summon a big star under him. This will happen only after he’s summoned the small star 15 seconds before. Enter the big star in the center of the map and you’ll go inside the Mario world. If you do not enter it a lot of players will take huge damage.

Before you start the raid the team will choose which players to do what of the 4 Mario Games.

- 1st Mario Player – The most basic one. Destroy the balls as quickly as possible and you will finish it.
- 2nd Mario Player – Nothing special as well, you can assign this to a new player too.
- 3rd Mario Player – The hardest one meaning that you’ll need someone good. You will need someone with a Fast Class or a Support Class with Heavy Armor Fragmenting.
- 4th Mario Player – Also easy so you can assign it to anyone.
Players who are out of the Mario games will face these fast-moving weapons:
- Ground Blades – A blade going fast towards the Iron Maiden player. Needs to be stopped before it reaches him.
- Swinging Hooks – These are swinging attacks that circle around the entire area and can hook the Iron Maiden to take it to the Ground Blades to get killed.
- Ground Blaes & Swinging Hooks – The most dangerous combination. Make sure to act fast.
- Grounds Blades & Swinging Hooks & Levers – There will be levers spawning at this stage. One player must find it on the map. You will walk up to it and need to type in the typo. After it is done, press G to pull the lever. Pulling 2 levers will release the Iron Maiden player.

When someone enters a Mario game the things that you’ll have to do are simple. You’ll have a jump and an attack skill. The thing is to look out for the color. One player from outside the Mario world will have a color the same as the one in Mario World. You will need to communicate with each other and see who has the same one.

If it is red (like in the picture) the Mario player must destroy the red balls inside the game. Destroying all 3 balls will remove the curse on the outside player. If the Mario player fails, the outside player will die. Also, failing to get out of the mini-game will result in death.
Iron Maiden
One player outside the Mario world will become an Iron Maiden. It is a player stuck inside a box with tons of things coming to kill him.

The players must work together in order to free him. Two players must go to the leftmost side of the map and stagger Saydon to release him.
You can use Nineveh CTRL + Z to stagger Saydon and deal a lot of damage at the end of every Mario game.
Red Circle Below You
Some of the outside players will experience a red circle below them. When you have this make sure to get your HP as low as possible.

The reason is that after a couple of seconds it will reverse your HP. So if you had 10% HP, after the reversion you’ll get to a 90% HP! Use it wisely.
If you fail to get this, there will be a Clown pattern under the entire map. This will do debuffs for each Clown in Mario World. If you get to a total of 4 debuffs you can get wiped.
Mario Games Patterns

These are the possible Mario Worlds that you might get. Remember them and you will need to complete them if you’re assigned to any of the worlds. Don’t forget, Mario World 3 is the hardest one!
Bingo Stage
You will notice skull tiles and a player with the skull icon on top of him. There will be beeping and a bomb will drop on the skull player. Make sure to place the skull player far away and then dodge the bombs when it falls down.

The bomb explodes in the shape of an X.

The bomb’s explosion will also flip the skull tiles. After every 3 dropped bombs Saydon will make a huge explosion that can wipe the entire party. You must make at least one Bingo in order for this not to happen. Every Bingo damages Saydon a whole lot too.
6 Bingos are enough to kill Saydon completely. This is how you place a Bingo:
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Diagonal

It is all up to the skull player and how he places the bombs dropped. Bingo also gives you invincibility for 10 seconds.
That is it! Make sure to follow this video for more information on how to defeat this very difficult boss. Thanks to Gosu General Gaming TV and his amazing detailed pieces of information. Good luck!
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Clown raid, good 🙂