Despite its complicated realm system and different forms of progression, Nightingale has a somewhat straightforward and railroaded quest line that will have you interacting with all sorts of NPCs across different areas. In this guide, we’ll show you how to quickly get done with this specific quest involving Wilhelmina!
Hear Wilhelmina’s Newest Rumour Gudie
If you remember from the tutorial of the game, when you first entered an Abeyance realm, you will meet an NPC named Wilhelmina Sasse beside the introductory essence trader and companion.
At a certain point in the game, you will be tasked with returning to her to listen to whatever new rumor she has for you.
If you forgot where she is, simply return to your first Abeyance realm and check your map. Although I am unsure if the starting realms are randomized, I am 100% certain that the different biomes have their own spawn locations.
Because of that, I can’t give you exact directions to her. However, you shouldn’t have a hard time due to her always being beside the essence trader, which happens to be beside the Antiquarian Site of Power as well.

After speaking with her and choosing the dialogue options with the white icon to the left, she will ask you to find a certain NPC in a Provisioner Forest realm.
This means that you will need to search for the Provisioner Site of Power and open up a new portal to one, specifically using a Forest biome card.

And that is pretty much everything you need to know about this short and simple quest in the game. You’re going to need some better gear for the next step of this quest, so check out our guide on how to craft uncommon upgrades in Nightingale!