There is nothing more entertaining than charging into battle with your trusted steed (or beast)! Fortunately, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has reached its 575k $ goal and has added in the possibility to do just that! So, you might be wondering how you can do it, now that you know it’s possible… Don’t worry, this is what this guide exists to do, help you easily learn what you need and get you on the back of a creature as fast as you can!
How To Get Mounts – Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
So, the secret to getting a mount is to first have an animal companion. It can’t be another character’s animal, it has to be yours.
To get an Animal Companion, you need to choose a class that has the feat. If you choose one that doesn’t you won’t be able to get one.
You would be able to get one if you just get 1 level in that class, but then your companion will be extremely weak, being a level 1 creature, while you’re level 18.

To see if a class has the feat, click the “Details” button in the lower right corner and see if you see the feat shown above. If it has a red “X”, then the archetype you have chosen cancels your companion.
The main classes to use a mount are Cavalier and Hunter. There are some archetypes that can get a companion, but those are not incredible. You can look for those by looking for the feat.
Next, you will need to choose the companion. A horse will be your best bet if you want a mount from the start.
If the animal is Large, that’s when you’ll be able to mount it. All animals become Large once they reach level 7-8.
If your animal has the necessary requirements to be mounted, you will receive a skill called mount that will let you mount your companion!
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