Project Zomboid just rolled out a new unstable build that is currently still missing a lot of features and is prone to breaking, with many features reportedly being bugged. Regardless, some players might want to try it out right now, and in this tier list, we will be going over some early impressions of the rebalanced traits in this early test version of the game’s future update.
Build 42 Traits Tier List
Before we get started, just know that this is a purely subjective list and is merely based on first impressions by the community and those who have done a bit of testing already. This version is still very much subject to major changes, so this is definitely not going to be indicative of what it will look like once it rolls out as a stable build.

These are traits that are supposedly good on most character builds, and their negative effects are not particularly hard to counter. Some of these hinge on your ability to avoid being careless or doing silly things.
- Organized
- Dextrous
- Fast Learner
- Thin-Skinned
- Prone to Illness
- Slow Healer
- Weak Stomach
“GOOD” Tier
These traits are fine and are generally considered to be good ones to have, but not necessarily “must have” compared to the ones above.
- Speed Demon
- Outdoorsman
- Eagle Eyed
- Cat’s Eyes
- Wakeful
- Brave
- Stout
- Strong
- Graceful
- Desensitized
- Brawler
- Axe Man
- Burglar
- Hearty Appetite
“OKAY” Tier
These are seen as just “fine” and are typically worth having if you can spare the points or need to squeeze in a few more extra negatives.
- Conspicuous
- Smoker
- Cowardly
- Fast Reader
- Light Eater
- Adrenaline Junkie
- Keen Hearing
- Athletic
- Night owl
- Baseball Player
- Hunter
- Handy
- Gymnast
- Amateur Mechanic
- Runner
- Sewer
- Hiker
“MEH” Tier
The traits here are not necessarily too bad, but there are just better options in general.
- Disorganized
- Hard of Hearing
- Slow Reader
- Fear of Blood
- Slow Learner
- Short sighted
- Restless Sleeper
- Sleepyhead
- Low Thirst
- Inconspicuous
- Fit
- Herbalist
- Gardener
- Angler
“BAD” Tier
These traits are just generally not taken due to having significant negative effects that will mess with your gameplay or are positive perks that are completely pointless if you know what you are doing.
- Deaf
- Illiterate
- Weak
- Feeble
- Agoraphobic
- Claustrophobic
- All Thumbs
- Clumsy
- Asthmatic
- Out of Shape
- Unfit
- Sunday Driver
- Pacifist
- High Thirst
- Nutritionist
- Former Scout
- First Aider
- Cook
- Resilient
- Thick Skinned
- Iron Gut
- Fast Healer
And that concludes this tier list for the early impressions of the revamped traits of the latest unstable build of the game. A lot of things will still change over time, so this might not even be representative of the current state of Project Zomboid depending on when you are reading this!