The Electric Module is a key module for electric build in The First Descendant due to how much power boost it gives. This can be quite the rare module to find and if you’re aiming to build your Bunny, you want to get this on your hand as soon as possible. Here’s how to farm the module.
How To Get Focus on Electric Module
The Focus on Electric Module is a reward you can get from clearing the Void Mission in The Sterile Land. For Normal difficulty, you have 12.5% chance to get the Focus on Electric Module. At Hard mode, you get 30%.
This can be an easy mission on normal and can take a little longer on hard mode, but nothing too crazy to farm. This module is good for any electric build in general, but for Bunny in particular.

The reason you want her on Bunny is because Bunny is a Nuker Descendant whose attack type is Electric. This module gives incredible boost to that skill power, making it so easy to decimate anything on her own. At Level 10, the Focus on Electric module gives Electric Skill Power +77.2% and reduces Skill Cooldown by 6.1%.
Now you know where to find the Focus on Electric Module in The First Descendant, here’s a guide for all the blueprints for Divine Punishment.