
Weird Strict Hotel Guard: Night 1 to 5 Complete Walkthrough & Final Boss Fight

You’re already checked in, but will you get to check out?

Gameplay screenshot Weird Strict Hotel Guard

Weird Strict Hotel Guard presents yet another series of challenges where the player has to survive overwhelming odds. Each night gets more difficult than the last, introducing more challenging survival objectives. Players have to survive after all nights.

You might also want to check out other games in the series – we have a complete Weird Strict Santa guide. We understand how difficult things can get as the nights progress. As a result, we have prepared a complete walkthrough of the entire game, even the final Boss fight, to help you out. Let’s get into it!

Night 1 to 5 Complete Walkthrough

The game consists of 5 nights, and at the end of Night 5, there is a challenging boss fight. We’ll discuss tips and tricks that can help you survive for each encounter. There are other Weird Strict Hotel Guard games too – such as the one discussed in our Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Night 1

Starting off, you exit the elevator and are greeted by a seemingly nice hotel guard. After some dialogue, he asks that you help him clean up the corridors.

Talking to Hotel Guard Night 1 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

So, your first task is to pick up all the trash you see in the corridors. Simply approach a pile and press the E key to pick them up.

Picking up trash 1 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After that, you’ll be asked to go to your room, which is the one marked by the giant 4 next to it.

Room 4 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After a warning from the Hotel Guard, you will be greeted with the following screen. It outlines all the survival objectives you’ll need to complete.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with them, especially for Night 1. Make sure you keep a constant eye on your Hunger Bar in the bottom left corner of the map.

Night 1 objectives in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

As the night progresses, the Hotel Guard will get aggressive with you when he hears noises. When this happens, you’ll hear chase music and a big indicator saying RUN above your screen.

Whenever this happens, always run to your room and get into bed. Preferably, you want to get into the bed next to the phone.

Run icon in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

This is because you will constantly have to deal with devices that make noise. Ideally, you want to turn them off as soon as they ring. Otherwise, the Hotel Guard will continue to get more aggressive with you as time progresses. 

There are two devices you’ll need to take care of:

  • Telephone in your room
  • Radio in the corridor, across the room.

With some practice, you can coordinate your movement to ensure you turn them off instantly. For example, turn the telephone when you’re in bed and turn the radio off when you are going outside to get food.

Turn off phone prompt in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Your hunger bar will continue to deplete with time. So when the coast is clear and there’s some time left until the noise goes off. Go to the vending machines outside to get food.

Ideally, you want to eat as much as you can. So, if there’s time, consider eating multiple times before returning to your room.

In the later hours, the guard will get very aggressive, which will make it difficult to get food. So a full Hunger Bar can ensure you survive the final hours. Survive until 6AM and you’ll have gotten through Night 1!

Taking food from vending machine in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Night 2

Night 2 will start off with another Hotel Guard greeting you. After some dialogue, where he suggests the main Hotel Guard has gone somewhere, he’ll give you some tasks. Your task will be to restock vending machines.

Talking to Hotel Guard Night 2 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

To restock the vending machines, you first need to pick up a box. You can find boxes in the corridor. Pick one up and bring it to a vending machine.

Picking up boxes in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

When you are in front of a vending machine with a box, hold E to restock the vending machine. You’ll need to repeat this same step twice.

Restocking vending machine in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After that, return to Room 4 again, like you did the previous night. The guard will also give you a warning to not leave your room. After that, you will be met with your new objectives.

Night 2 objectives in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Everything is pretty much the same, except for the addition of the Guard Room. You will want to focus primarily on this objective, while ensuring you still survive.

Pickpocket guard objective in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Initially, you should follow the same tips outlined in Night 1. It’ll be slightly more difficult, however, since the vending machine will be a bit further and right next to the sleeping guard. So, make sure you turn off all devices before you go to get food.

Taking food from vending machine near guard in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Once you’re used to getting food, you should be able to pickpocket the guard. He’ll be sleeping right next to the vending machine.

When the coast is clear, approach him and hold the E key to start the pickpocketing process. The meter does take a few seconds to fill up, so keep that in mind before you initiate the process.

Pickpocketing guard in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Once you have the key, you can now open the Guard Office, which is Room 10. However, do not attempt to open it yet, since the meter for unlocking takes time to open too.

By that time, the guard will get aggressive and chase you down.

Instead, return to your room and turn off all devices. If he comes for you, hide in bed. Once everything is clear, now go to the Guard Room and open it.

Unlocking Guard Office in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Inside the Guard Room, you will see a Closet Door. This closet door can make the rest of the night a breeze, as you can simply hide inside it.

You can ignore all the devices that ring now. When he gets aggressive, just hide inside the closet.

Just make sure you keep an eye on your Hunger Bar. You will need to periodically leave the closet to get food from the vending machine. Besides that, just stay in the closet until 6AM and you’ll win!

Hiding Closet in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Night 3

The original Hotel Guard will return for Night 3. After some suspicious dialogue, he’ll ask you to clean the Guard Room, which is Room 10.

Talking to Hotel Guard Night 3 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Enter Room 10, and clear all the trash inside the room. You will see a bunch of dead rats too, that will be a sign of what’s coming ahead.

Cleaning up dead rat in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Once you clean up the room, make sure you take the key from the table. You’ll need this key to open the Guard Room that is crucial for your survival.

There’s a secret jump scare in the closet too. *SPOILER ALERT* Opening it will reveal a giant rat that will disappear almost immediately.

Taking key near closet in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Before you return to your room, make sure you open the Guard Room. It will save you valuable time when surviving Night 3, which can get very intense.

Unlocking Guard Office in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After another dialogue with the Hotel Guard, Night 3 will begin with the following objectives. As you can see, there is the addition of rats, as well as another noise device.

Night 3 objectives in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

So, the first thing you want to do is to keep an eye on the ground when in the corridors. Rats will spawn pretty frequently, and can hurt you if you are not paying attention. If you do see one, make sure you kill them by holding E.

Killing rats in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Additionally, there will be another device creating noise that you’ll need to be careful about. It’s an additional telephone that can be found inside the Guard Room, where the closet is.

Speaking of phones, did you know you can actually call numbers on the phone in Weird Strict Dad?

Turning off office phone in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

The strategy for surviving the night is similar to the one used when you got access to the Guard Room in Night 2. You want to ignore all the devices in the bedroom. Instead, focus on the hiding in the closet, turning off the Guard Room phone when it rings, and eating food.

It will be a lot harder to leave the Guard Room. So, we suggest that you always eat multiple times and even bring extra food when returning from the vending machine. When the clock hits 6AM, you will have passed the challenge!

If you’re tired of this gameplay formula at this point – you might want to try the Dead by Daylight style game mode in Weird Strict Dad.

Holding food in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Night 4

When you exit the elevator in Night 4, you will already see that something is very off. There will be a new Rat Infest Area that is blocked off.

Additionally, there will be a lot more trash and dead bodies in the entire map. You will need to clean up all the trash, and there will be a lot of it.

Simply approach the trash and hold E to pick it up, as you have done many times in the other Nights.

Picking up trash pile in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Once all the trash is taken care of, go to the Guard Room. You want to ensure that you take the key and unlock the room while you are leaving. 

Taking key from table in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Returning to the room will show you the following objectives. The new objective requires you to get access to the Rats Infest area by breaking through it.

Night 4 objectives in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

So, the first thing you want to do is make a beeline towards the elevator, where the guard will be sleeping on the couch. 

There will be a hammer that you can take by holding E.

Taking Hammer in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After that, you can attempt to break the wooden boards on the Rat Infest area. We suggest that you go to the Guard Room once, just to ensure that you do not get caught out. Otherwise, if you are quick, you can do it one go.

You will need to break the Wood on the Rat Infest area five times. After that, there will be a loud noise that will not wake the Guard up if you are worried about that.

Breaking Wood in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Inside the Rat Infest area there will be a small room that leads to the locked gate. You can actually spend the rest of the Night here without worrying about any of the devices. Make sure that you kill any passing Rats as they can sometimes come inside and hurt you.

Hiding in Rats Infest area in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

The only reason to go out will be to get food from the vending machine near the elevator. Be careful when you do this, as three ringing devices will mean the Guard will be very aggressive.

We suggest taking extra food as it can get very difficult to eat during the later hours.

When you reach 6AM you will pass the challenge! Just one more night left – but don’t worry, you can play other games in the series like Weird Strict Grandma!

Taking food from vending machine in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Night 5

Night 5 is the final night of the game, and by far the most different one. The night will start off like any other, as you are given tasks to do by the Hotel Guard.

Talking to Hotel Guard Night 5 in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

You will need to clean up your room. There will be a lot of trash and dead rats that you will need to clear here.

Picking up trash and dead rat in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Once you’ve cleaned things up, you will need to go back to your Room. After getting your final warning, leave your room and make your way to the Rats Infest area. It will still be open after you broke through the previous night.

Rat Infest area open in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

The moment you enter inside, you’ll see the Run warning followed by the chase music. Be sure to open the Gate immediately and Run! 

You’ll be chased through a series of corridors, where you’ll have to open more gates. Don’t turn back and just keep running!

Opening gate in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

At the end of the chase, you’ll be locked behind a gate by the Hotel Guard.

After his dialogue, make sure that you go to the nearby vending machine and replenish your hunger to full. 

Vending machine in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After that, you want to follow the arrows marked in the corridors. Be careful, as you will be chased by a Giant rat at certain points here. Either run as fast as you can, or initiate the chase and move back to let the rat go ahead.

Arrow in corridors in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

As you follow the directions, you will need to go across some platforms in a sickly green liquid. Make sure you time your jumps right, so you don’t fall in!

Jumping across platforms in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After you go through the gate ahead, make sure you get some food and replenish your Hunger. It’s because there is a Boss Fight coming ahead, and you want to be prepared for it!

Vending machines in boss fight location in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Final Boss Fight

The final boss fight will have you fighting a giant version of the Hotel Owner. Things are about to get really intense!

Hotel Owner Boss in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Starting off, you want to familiarize yourself with his attacks. Initially, he will have two attacks. The first one involves him firing green projectiles that you can dodge by jumping or moving to the side. Make sure you are always moving to avoid them.

Additionally, he will also spawn rats that fall from the sky. These rats will follow you, do not go near them or they will damage you.

Projectile attack and rats in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

There are four vending machines in the area. Make sure you replenish your health as them when you find an opportunity. 

The best moment to eat food is usually when the Boss is stuck in the animation of spawning rats.

Taking food from Boss Area vending machine in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After a few attacks, he will go into a pose where he bends down and grabs his face. Go near him and press the button to punch him.

Each punch will do a certain amount of damage. You want to punch him as many times as possible before he returns to normal.

Damaging Boss in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

After some time, he will start using another attack which is a laser. While firing the laser, he will move quickly in a circle. This is by far the hardest attack to avoid, as you will need to jump at the right time to dodge it.

Boss Laser Attack in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

Keep dodging the attacks and punching him when he goes into a vulnerable state. Doing so will allow you to eventually defeat him.

Once he dies, you can leave the area by going to the light at the end of the open gate. Here, you will be met with the only ending of the game. You’re finally free of the hotel!

On the other hand, Weird Strict Dad has multiple endings!

Exiting the hotel in Weird Strict Hotel Guard.

That’s everything you need to know about Weird Strict Hotel Guard. We have gone through all the nights to ensure that you can beat each of them and their unique challenges. Quite a larger game compared to other Weird Strict games, but still quite fun. It also has a lot of lore with an emotional ending at the end!

Also, if you’re interested in looking at more Weird Strict & Need More games in Roblox, make sure to check out our collection as well. It includes all the available endings, mechanics and other useful information.


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