If you like Bioshock but you want more of a Soviet Russia vibe to it then Atomic Hearts is for you. It’s a game set in an alternate 1950’s where the USSR is technologically more advanced due to the wonders of Polymer, and we’re not talking about plastic. It’s some sort of wonder liquid that helped the USSR create robots so much that everyone and their babushkas have them. Then a bunch of traitors make them all go crazy and now you’re here to fix the problem by beating up robots and finding the traitors. In this guide we’ll show you how to do one of the missions in the game!
Atomic Heart: Fire Up The Neural Network
At one point in the game you’ll be tasked with firing up the Neural Network as part of the “Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown” quest, which is a mouthful but a cool saying nevertheless. When you get that mission go straight until you see an in-game cutscene of some robots crashing a crate into the stone cliffs, clear the flying robots and cross the lake and find the Polymer stuff shown below.

Dive into the polymer and emerge in front of these conveniently painted ledges you can go up and then right to jump to another ledge.

Follow the ledge until you can jump down the platform shown below.

Once you’re there go inside the building and turn right to go outside of it again, mind the enemies inside!

Once you’re outside again follow the path until you see the area shown below, use the ledges again to get to the next part.

Once you get past that ledge area you’ll now see the waypoint that sends you to the Neural Network where there’s a puzzle, shown below is the what you should activate in order to do the puzzle correctly!

Congratulations you now know what to do in this part of Atomic Heart, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Fire up the Neural Network Atomic Heart – YouTube
ALSO READ: As You Sow So Shall You Reap – Atomic Heart