Well you must be here because of Dark Wolf Riku. A lot of people are. This tower with each and every floor can get you very confused and frustrated. And then at the end of it all, you have this huge boss to deal with?
Well it is a good thing that you are here then. Let me make everything simple for you and get you ready for passing this Shadespire Tower in no time. Lets go.
Shadespire Tower Guide – Lost Ark
The Shadespire Tower is the first version of the tower that you can run once you’ve reached Endgame. You need to be at least item level 302 and item level 540 to clear it. Your first run rewards will be something like Engraving Recipes. After this, once you run it again, you will get Honing materials.
That is why most people recommend running this on alt characters for the 1st time.
Here is a list from all the floors:
1.Floor 1 – 10
- 1st – Destroy the Seal Stone in 3 minutes – very easy
- 2nd – Eliminate all the enemies in 3 minutes – very easy
- 3rd – Kill all the monsters and bosses in 3 minutes
- 4th – Eliminate all the enemies in 3 minutes = just drag them all and use aoe damage
- 5th – Defeat the boss = kill the spider without breaking the cocoons
- 6th – Defeat Acet bug
- 7th – Eliminate all the enemies in 3 minutes
- 8th – Just kill the miniboss to clear it
- 9th – Eliminate all the enemies
- 10th – Kill the boss Perfect Infected in 5 minutes = don’t break the tubes

2.Floor 10 – 20
- 11th – Eliminate enemies, in waves this time
- 12th – Activate the switches = randomized, but for me the right one worked
- 13th – Eliminate ranged enemies
- 14th – Just eliminate the big knights
- 15th – Careful. First kill all the enemies around, then go for the boss

- 16th – Careful from explosive enemies
- 17th – Eliminate all enemies
- 18th – Kill Fire Giant
- 19th – Eliminate all enemies ranged and melee
- 20th – Boss from portal = outrun his slashes and meteors
3.Floor 20 – 30
- 21st – Eliminate all the enemies
- 22nd – Eliminate all the enemies
- 23rd – Kill succubus ladies first, then the 9th tailed lady
- 24th – You will get an ally
- 25th – Very simple boss
- 26th – Waves of ranged enemies
- 27th – Waves of random kinds of enemies
- 28th – Easy boss to take care of
- 29th – Survive = exploding enemies again, be careful
- 30th – Defeat all bosses in 10 minutes

4.Floor 30 – 40
- 31st – Eliminate all enemies
- 32nd – Miniboss that moves very slow
- 33rd – Focus only on miniboss
- 34th – Explosive enemies while slowing you down
- 35th – Miniboss that slows you down, take hp potions
- 36th – Just focus and kill the miniboss
- 37th – 2 Miinibosses, kill flamethrower guy first
- 38th – A dragon boss
- 39th – A Boss with tons of hp, your ally comes again

- 40th – Ally is here, just avoid his AoE attacks and let your ally aggro and tank it
5.Floor 40 – 50
- 41st – Just focus on the miniboss, avoid the mobs
- 42nd – Slow boss, just attack from behind
- 43rd – Easy simple boss
- 44th – Just avoid every mob
- 45th – Dark Wolf Riku = Scarecrow, Awakening Potion, Lutars Horn is a must. You are blind while fighting. He becomes invisible. Focus on small wolves first. Burst a lot of dmg. Try not to lose your mind…

- 46th – Just focus on the boss, not the mobs
- 47th – Try just to stick next to boss as much as possible, you will be blinded again
- 48th – You can only use grenades or bombs, pick Flash grenade or Destruction Bomb
- 49th – A recap of the whole tower. You fight everything and than a boss at the end. The more the fight goes on, the more infected begin to spawn.
- 50th – Corrupting Light Lezerd – Try not to Alt+F4 – Only for Dark Souls players. You must learn his attack patterns in order to beat him. He only stays in the middle. Dodge cone attacks, dodge the in and out circles. Just keep striking from behind him. Black laser from his face kills you instantly. Remember his attacks, because in the last phase the ground goes dark. When blind, just round around in circles.
Sounds pretty simple and straightforward right? Well, good luck!

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