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RimWorld: Positive Traits Tier List

What tier is this tier list?

RimWorld Positive Traits Tier List

Rimworld is a game that looks simple but is actually rather complex. I’ve bought the game thinking it would be a nice game that’ll take a couple of hours, it took a thousand. It’s a colony management simulator and normally you’re stuck controlling 3 guys who just crash landed into a planet. These guys have their own backstories, skills and traits and there are a lot of possible traits people can have in Rimworld. From being happy all the time to people who like other people in a dinner kind of way. In this article we’ll show you all the positive traits in a tier list!

Positive Traits Tier List For RimWorld

Now what counts as a positive trait? There are traits out there that are automatically negative, like Lazy or Wimp, but there are other traits that sound negative but are actually positive like Masochist. For this tier list we’ll be going through all the traits that are positive at a glance and we’ll go through how good they are gameplay wise. We all know psychopath is a great trait in Rimworld but that sounds like a negative trait so it’s not here.

S – Tier

  • Fast Learner – Pawns learn things faster, even if there’s a learning cap every day it’s still a great trait overall.
  • Industrious – It increases global work speed by a large bit but it does make the pawn hate anyone that doesn’t have the trait, still the up side outweighs the downside here.
  • Sanguine – A permanent +12 mood buff until the pawn dies. Great in any point of the game, until the pawn dies that is.
  • Supper Immune – Great at early game when you don’t have good doctors or medicine and even in late game it makes them spend less time sick.
  • Tough – Pawns take 50% less damage! What’s not to love! Perfect for Melee characters.

A – Tier

  • Body Modder – Let’s face it, the flesh is weak. The body that you call a temple will wither, and that’s when you get bionics. Getting extra mood buffs for buffing yourself up is just icing on the cake.
  • Hard Worker – A lesser version of Industrious but with the same downside, so below Industrious.
  • Iron Willed – Lower mental break threshold, you’d love to have a pawn like this. Unless you have  the Ideology DLC and you’re trying to convert an Iron Willed pawn to your religion, good luck with that!
  • Jogger – The fastest of the two positive movement trait, this just makes it so there’s less downtime in-between actions which is always a positive, and since is the fastest without any bionics makes it an A.
  • Nimble – More melee dodge chance, great for brawlers!
  • Optimist – A permanent +6 bonus to mood, a lesser version of Sanguine, still great.
  • Psychically Deaf – No more worrying about drone events, but goodbye giving this pawn a chance to be a psy-caster.
  • Quick Sleeper – Less down time sleeping! What’s not to love?
  • Trigger Happy – Makes your pawn shoot faster but lower accuracy, greatest at late game with a high shooting skill. Even in early game with a good shooting skill this can work well.
  • Careful Shooter – More accurate but more aim time, people did some graphs and finds out that on a single target careful shooter is better in a wide majority of ways, but trigger happy also excels at certain situations like targets in a group and faster switching targets so they’re both in the same tier.
  • Undergrounder – They don’t get cabin fever, no mood effect in darkness means that you can trap this pawn inside a research lab all day.

B – Tier

  • Ascetic – At early game the pawn won’t care about eating raw meat. Doesn’t care about how great his bedroom is, and the kicker? If he’s royalty he won’t have bedroom needs!
  • Brawler – Do you want to make a dedicated melee pawn? Pick one with a good melee skill and brawler and he’ll cut down anyone!
  • Fast Walker – A lesser version of Jogger, still great but nothing to write home about.
  • Gourmand – Opposite of Ascetic, likes good food. What makes this trait interesting is that food moodlet buffs stack to a point, and Gourmands often eats more.
  • Great Memory – Lessens memory decay, great for combat skills when there’s been no raids for a while.
  • Kind – More likely to compliment people giving them mood buffs! Not that big of a deal but still nice!
  • Night Owl – They work better at night, but you can really just force pawns to work at night if you need to, this one just has a mood buff doing so.
  • Psychically Dull – This isn’t great for psy-casters, but will help if there’s a drone event!
  • Steadfast – Lesser version of the Iron Willed trait!
  • Too Smart – Like the Industrious trait, but with a negative. It increases Mental Break threshold.

C – Tier

  • Beautiful – More pawn beauty sounds like a good thing but it actually means more pawns will try to hit on them. That means more rebuttals for your other pawns and that means more mood debuffs.
  • Asexual and Gay – Doesn’t really impact the pawn that much, no negative or positives unless your religion makes it complicated.
  • Pretty – Weaker version of Beautiful but with the same problem.
  • Teetotaler – They don’t do any non-medical drugs which sounds fine, until you learn that they get a -25 opinion on any pawn with chemical interest or fascination! Even Industrious only has a -5 opinion on non Industrious pawns, these guys just really hate drugs!

F – Tier

  • Bisexual – Unlike the other sexual preference traits this one is actually bad. If you have both genders in the colony means that there’s two times the chances this colonist gets rebuffed.
  • Body Purist – They get a minus on mood when they have prosthetic, but not only that but have a reduction on opinion for other pawns that have them. That means this pawn can hate someone for having a peg leg and that’s just not cool.
  • Nudist – They’re happier nude and sad when they’re clothed. That includes armor, which protects you from bullets and energy blades.

Congratulations you now know what are the best positive traits in Rimworld! Now go out there and find the pawns with your favorite trait! Many thanks to Kokoplays MB for showing everyone his tier list, I agreed with most of his picks but had to change some since he missed some information like the ones for ascetics. If you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Ranking All Positive Traits in RimWorld – YouTube

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