Rimworld just released it’s newest DLC and it’s by far the biggest one yet. The couple of previous DLCs of the game wasn’t that big compared to this, in fact the first DLC didn’t add much, and while the second one added a respectable amount, this newest one blows both away. I think I’m seeing a pattern here, maybe a couple of DLCs down the line we’ll see one that’s twice as big as the base game, who knows! Biotech added a lot of new things to the game and in this guide we’ll show you how to do Eugen- Genetics in Rimworld!
Rimworld Biotech DLC: Complete Guide to Genetics
Along with child soldiers, new races and roombas, the Biotech DLC for Rimworld also added Genetics into the game. Each race has their own genetic code and some of them can include calling upon wild animals, fire breathing or even immortality.
There’s a lot of genes you can find in the game and I’m sure there will be more added through mods in the future. For now this is how you can play around with Genetics in game.
Starting Xenotypes

When setting up a new colony, after you make a world and pick where you’re going to drop you’ll notice a new button at the bottom of the colonist screen called “Xenotype Editor.” That’s where you can edit the different races in the game and even create new ones.
Just remember that the more positive genes you add it usually reduces Metabolic Efficiency, that means pawns of this race will get hungry faster. Also you can only have at maximum -5 Metabolic Efficiency.

If you want to change genes in game on a running colony you’ll need to research “Xenogenetics” first in your research tab. This will unlock the Gene extractor, Gene Bank and Gene Assembler. It’s highly suggested that you build these close to each other, specially the Gene Bank and Assembler.
Once built you can then throw a pawn to extract a random gene from them and place them in the bank. Remember, after gene extraction they’ll need to regrow their genes, if you extract it again while it’s still growing it will kill the colonist! Also you can extract genes from prisoners as well.
Once you have a lot of genes in your bank you can then make a new set of genes. If you select the Gene Assembler and click on “Recombine” you can see the same screen you’ll see when editing Xenotypes. This time though your choice is only limited to what genes you have on the bank.
It still has the same limitations though so keep that in mind. You’ll also need Gene Processors if you want more complexity limit.

Once you’re good with what you’ve set up you can then make the Xenogerm, it’ll take some time but after it’s done it’ll drop to the floor. You can then select the colonist you want to implant the gene on and right click on the Xenogerm to add it to their operations.
You’ll need a good doctor to increase the chance of success as well as some good medicine. The patient will then be in a coma for a maximum of 2 days, shorter depending on the skill of the doctor. If the process is successful the colonist will enter the coma and the genes will be implanted on them!
Archite Genes

Not all Genes are equal, some genes you can only be bought from traders and Archite genes are special. They’re genes that you need Archite capsules to even use and you need to research the technology “Archogenetics.”
These are powerful genes like Deathless which makes pawns Immortal just as long as their brain is still intact. You can also extract these genes from pawns that already have it but you’ll still need Archite capsules to make the Xenogerms.
Congratulations you now know how to do Genetics in the new Biotech DLC for Rimworld, now go out there and hunt for those genes! You’ll need a bit of RNG to get those genes so good luck!
ALSO READ: RimWorld Biotech DLC: Everything You Need To Know