DISCLOSURE: This DLC was reviewed on the following platform: PC – Check out our Review Policy page for more information.
There are not many games that offer so much replayability as Rimworld. Of course every game is going to be a colony management game but with the mechanics, RNG and overall how the game works keeps it different every time. The game gives you so many options to spice up every new game that you start. You can be a colony of psychopatic cannibals, a tribe of elephant herders or a colony of war criminals. That last part is quite common, and now with the new Biotech DLC there’s even more things to do in the game!
Races, Child Soldiers and Mechs | RimWorld Biotech DLC Review
Rimwrold had 2 DLCs before, first was Royalty while the second was Ideology. Royalty added Psycasters and Royals, which were honstly more like royal pain in the behind with how much your pawns ask. The DLC, to be honest, wasn’t that great for its price. It was over half the price of the base game and it didn’t add much.
Ideaology was the second DLC and it added more than the first DLC and it gave more roleplay options for people to enjoy with Ideologies. The DLC added a whole customizable belief system, rituals, social roles and relics. It was a great start for DLC and it was only going up from there.
Big Additions
Now there’s Biotech, Rimworld’s biggest DLC yet, I think I’m seeing a pattern here. I expect the next DLC to be as big as another game. The DLC adds a bunch of new features from new mechanoids, new gene tailoring mechanics and even children in the game. That’s right, there’s children in Rimworld now, and yes, you can make them equip weapons and fight.

Just from the first look in the DLC and you can already tell that it’s a big one. Children can now be born through your colonists and they can be taught as they grow, or if you don’t want to wait that long, then throw them into a vat to grow faster. Now your child soldiers can be adult soldiers in no time!
Also, don’t ask why I know this, but you can also harvest their organs.

No, it’s not Eugenics. Using the power of Xenogenetics you can now change extract genes from people and implant them to your own colonies! Make your human colonists all have cat ears, red eyes and be immortal beings of perfection with a few simple clicks and a few aliens that may or may not be willing to give their DNA to us.
New Races

Biotech also added different races, something that could only have been possible through mods before. Now they’re not your typical fantasy races with space in their name like Space-elves, Space-dwarves or Space-cat girls, they’re races that are a bit more than that. We can have techno-immortal vampires, mole people, actual neanderthals and even furries. There’s a race that can breath fire, races that don’t die unless you destroy their brain and many more.

They’ve also added a bunch of new mechanoids out there, and they even have a whole system to make them or convert them to your faction as mechanoid pets. These mechanoids range from angry roombas to walking shield platforms with gun turrets. They even added mechanoid bosses in the game that you need to defeat to get the better mechanoids and they can be tough to beat. Some of the bosses you can even make your own!
RimWorld BioTech DLC Review
Compared to the other DLCs before, Biotech is the biggest DLC Rimworld ever had. It adds whole new systems, new quests and new races to the game. It’s not just some magic mind stuff and some fancy thrones. The final score for this DLC is a solid 4.7/5, hopefully future DLCs follow this trend or even go beyond.
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