
V Rising: Adam the Firstborn Solo Guide | Gloomrot

Ready to get shocked!

The introduction of the Gloomrot update of V Rising has brought with it the strongest boss in the entire game, Adam the Firstborn. This guide aims to help those players who are trying to defeat this boss on their own.


Adam the Firstborn can be found at Doctor Blackbrew’s Castle in the Gloomrot North region. It is essential to have an EMP since it is required to get inside the castle. Simply place the EMP next to the door and shoot it using Sanguine Coil or any other damage spell to cause it to explode and open the door. EMPs can be crafted using a fabricator. Check out this guide to learn how to get a fabricator.

For this boss having a movement speed spell is crucial since it helps in dodging attacks. It is recommended to use Power Surge. Although shields and counters can be used, it is not recommended since many attacks in this fight, such as the electricity generators, cannot be blocked or countered.

The second spell depends on the player’s personal preference. A damage spell is recommended for spellcasters, such as Chaos Volley, while for physical fighters, spells such as Blood Rage are recommended.

Defeating Adam, the Firstborn

Phase One

The most common attack that Adam uses is his three-hit attack, where projectiles are release at every hit. The first hit comes from his right side, the second from his left, and the third is an overhead attack. The first two can be dodged easily by going in the opposite direction of the attack. 

For the overhead attack, players will have to move behind the boss. It is recommended to use the movement speed spell in this case. This is the best moment to attack the boss there is a slight pause before he resumes attacking.

The second attack is a stomp attack where Adam lifts up his foot and stomps it on the ground releasing eight projectiles around him.

The next attack is the one to worry about in the first phase. What happens is that Adam grabs the players and throws them across the room, dealing damage and momentarily stunning the player. It is highly recommended to use your dodge here.

The last attack of the first phase can be identified with a dialogue where Adam says, “Lightning obeys my command.” This restores one of the generators and calls lightning strikes over the area. These are easy to dodge compared to a version that comes on later in the fight.

Phase Two

Once Adam is down to half HP, the second phase begins, and he gains four new attacks. The first is not so much an attack as it is a defense mechanism. Adam essentially surrounds himself with a shield that counters with these small lightning orbs if the shield is hit. It is recommended to use this to your advantage by breaking the generator closest to you.

The second new attack is an improved version of the grab. In this case, Adam impales the player using his pointed arm, and the player takes damage from lightning. This attack usually comes after the shield one, so do not use your dodge and save it for this attack.

The third new attack that he gains is the Slam Attack. For this, he brings both arms up, and the following dialogue plays, “Now die!” This is followed by him teleporting behind the player and slamming the ground, which results in a cone-based aftershock. It is recommended to use dodge for this, but if you don’t have it, with some practice, this attack can be avoided by just running around him.

The final attack is an improved version of the Lightning Strike from the first phase. The following dialogue triggers this, “Behold the might of Adam!” These lightning strikes cover a larger area and leave behind lightning orbs that slow the player down and deal damage. These orbs activate 3-4 times before disappearing.

Phase Three

The final phase is triggered when the boss’s health drops to zero. There is a slight delay, after which Adam pushes all players close to him away, and his impaling arm is replaced with a lightning arm. Additionally, he gains new attacks. The delay of a few seconds when he is down is good for breaking any remaining generators to ensure as much space as possible.

The most common attack in this phase is an improvised version of the three-hit attack and the slam. In this case, the first two attacks are the same as the original three-hit, while the third is essentially the slam attack instead of the overhead attack. It is important to note that all of these attacks have lightning imbued into them now. The first two attacks can be avoided by moving in opposite directions, while the third can be avoided by dodging.

His second attack is the normal grab attack. Be sure to avoid is using dodging or moving to his left. A new attack he gains is triggered with the following dialogue, “This is power!” This is followed by him conjuring a lightning beam that moves slowly. While Adam is standing still, attack him, and once the beam is activated, move away from him.

This attack is followed by Adam conjuring a shield similar to the one before. After the shield disappears, he jumps, and then lightning strikes occur similar to the ones before, but now they are more frequent. It is important to save your dodge for the upcoming attack. After five seconds, a giant red circle will appear on the ground, which Adam will slam into. It is unlikely that you will get out of the circle in time, so just dodge.

Another attack that Adam gains is triggered with the following dialogue, “I am a force of nature!” This is followed by lightning orbs appearing similar to the orbs appearing due to the lightning strikes from phase two

The final attack is, essentially, the jump attack that occurs after the tractor beam attack. In this case, Adam will jump up, and lightning strikes will occur for five seconds, after which a red circle will appear, indicating where he will land. Like the tractor beam attack, save your dodge for the slam attack.

Defeating Adam the Firstborn on your own might be difficult, but it is worth the satisfaction to defeat the toughest boss in the game. If you have any suggestions or critiques, let us know in the comments below.

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