You can’t just simmer down while playing Anime Champions Simulator without rerolling at least once. There’s still a champion somewhere out there that you haven’t rolled for and just begging to join you on your next raid. The only problem is you don’t have enough raid medals to get another shot at re-rolling.
Sure, you can head inside another dungeon and do a raid to get the medals, but that takes time. There’s an easier way for you to get the raid medals you need for your rolls. If you want to know, read the rest of the guide. Those tunnels won’t plow themselves you know.
How to Farm Raid Medals Easy
The only way to get medals is by killing the boss or opening chests at the end of a raid. You’ll get the same number of medals no matter the difficulty of the raid you participate in.
You’ll be better off doing a raid on easy mode if you’re in a rush to farm medals. It’s highly recommended however that you get a boost. It’ll double your drop rate for at least an hour.
Be sure that you will commit that one hour to nothing else but raids. Also, check out our guide on How to AFK Raids, if you don’t feel looking at flying numbers for the next hour or two.

First, you’ll need a solid drop team, which includes Quirks like Thief. Then, choose any raid of your choice here and don’t be ashamed to click on easy mode.
For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll go with the Cursed City, the city where all the fingers come from. With easy mode turned on, you can get away with having auto attack turned on as well. After the raid, we got 106 medals, which is the same for all difficulties.
One thing to note is that difficulty affects the drop rates for accessories and skins, making them harder or easier to obtain. So, if you’re specifically farming medals, I recommend sticking to easy mode, as it’s the most efficient way.

You don’t even have to complete the entire raid; you can farm plenty of medals in the early stages. It’s a super easy way to stock up on medals quickly.
Keep in mind that this might be a bug, and the developers may change it in the future, so make sure to take advantage of this method while you can.
And that’s how you can farm raid medals easily in Anime Champions Simulator. Now get out there and waste everything that stands in your way!
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