There is a really fun achievement in the new DLC for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that rewards you for petting cats. Now THAT is an achievement I will surely try to get. Since everyone went crazy when they saw the cats in the original, of course the developers have decided that the cats of Francia deserve some loving as well. Here is exactly where you can find the cats of Evreux and get the nice little trophy for being a cat lover!
All Cat Locations In Evreux – ACV Siege Of Paris
In total, there are only four cats you’ll need to find. I know, that is indeed tragic.
As said in the title, all of them can be found in the town of Evreux, in the Evresin region.
The first two ones will be together, right next to the stables. The place with a horse on the map. You can see them both in this picture:

You just have to get right next to them and click the button that it shows you to press to pet them. Sometimes you have to wait for them to move for it to work.
For the third one, run down the road to the left and you’ll find him chilling next to a water well. Pet him as well.
The last one is hidden inside a house at the Eastern exit of the town. Just run towards the exit and you’ll see a weird looking house with beautiful glass windows.
The door is one of those flimsy looking wooden doors. Get inside and pet the fat little cat.
You’ve done it! You have gotten the trophy for petting the cats in Evreux!
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