
Find A Train Ticket – Atomic Heart

Talk to the hand!

There’s plenty of challenges to come your way when playing Atomic Heart, challenges that include guiding ice balls through transparent pipes, surviving pesticide workshop lockdowns, platforming, or even fighting killer robots. All in a day’s work, but nobody mentioned finding train tickets! You can always cut the middleman out and just hack into the train to commandeer it but you are a respected member or the Union, a hero even! You will do the right thing and find yourself a train ticket, with this guide you’ll even find one in a matter of minutes!

Atomic Heart | Find A Train Ticket

Finding a train ticket will be one of your next objectives upon setting foot on Lesnaya Station, that and resisting the urge to shoot Rafik for giving you lip. Sadly you can’t do the latter as that will permanently disable the train, halting your advance. Keep reading to see other alternatives!

Exit the car after you exhaust all of Rafik’s dialogue options and head out of the station. Communicate with the departed to nicely ask for their ticket as they won’t be needing it. The one closest to the station won’t have anything for you besides conversation so it would be best to head towards the statue to your right next.

Get rid of the Lab tech and talk to the dead loser at the base of the statue. He’ll go on about how the station is jinxed along with his recent experiences before his lights went out. Luckily, he has a train ticket and would be more than happy to part ways with it due to his superstitious beliefs. The only problem is it expired four hours ago so you will have to visit the other bodies instead.

Two more to go! The one across the station has nothing to offer you besides incoherent gibberish so backtrack through the woods and into the hotel to communicate with another body. You will have to deal with an out-of-body experience as you need to swim through some polymer to get to the second floor.

The man has a monthly pass, this means that you will finally be able to leave Vavilov and its horrors altogether. Head back to the platform and that would complete your objective!

ALSO READ: The Brave New World – Atomic Heart


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