Some areas in Fortnite are so well hidden that you might not even notice them at all while playing this game. Well, some areas are perfect starting locations for the bigger towns and regions on the map. The Beached Bit might just be the best for Slappy Shores. In this guide, we shall show you how to find it as well as some tips about it. Let’s get started.
Beached Bit Location | Season 4 – Fortnite

This here is where you are able to find the Beached Bit in the new Season 4 of Fortnite. It will be on the very east side of the map just where the map is ending and touching the shoreline.
As you can see from the picture above, this region and location will be just under the Slappy Shores. You will be seeing a lot of players coming from that way down here so you better be ready for combat.
This Beached Bit is actually a fantastic place to start out your gear if you want to skip on that beginning combat. You can come here by jumping and landing and then looting up. Once you loot up, you shall start heading to the Slappy Shores.
At this point, most of the players will be dead or fighting each other. You will be like a hyena trying to pick off all the wounded enemy players and pick up their loot. Fantastic strategy!
That’s all that you need to know about to get to the Beached Bit in Fortnite Season 4. We hope that this guide has helped you out on how to find it and get a lot of kills too. Have fun!
ALSO READ: Fortnite: Woodsy Ward Location | Season 4