We have reached week 14 of this season of Fortnite and the legendary quests keep on coming! This week we will get a quest from Dr. Slone that will send us on the hunt for a traitor, a mole, in the IO and handle her or him. A pretty straightforward mission, only if you know where to look. Luckly, we have a pretty good idea of the location and of the identity of this mole, so read this quick guide and see to it that the traitor receives what they deserve!
How To Confront The Mole – Fortnite
The week hasn’t started yet, so most people have no idea who we’re talking about here, but the people at ItemLevel have deduced that the mole is Maven.
Obviously, you probably have no idea who that is since, well, I don’t really remember most of the characters in Fortnite, but I can tell you where she is, so you can teach her a lesson!

As you can see in this picture, she is located at Dinky Dish, Southeast of Craggy Cliffs and West of Steamy Stacks.
In the building where the player cursor is above, you will find her on the second floor, walking around and doing nothing. You will see the stairs easily to get to her.
Interact with her, confront her, and hear her side of the event in order to finish this legendary quest!
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